Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 291, 29 Kepakemapa 1891 — AN UNPOPULAR QUEEN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tbe Peeple of Hawaii S&id to Wa,nt a Republican Form of Glov- j ernment. A Honolulu 3etter sajrs the new Hawaiian Queen is becoming aiore unpopular every day with the natives and Americans, She takes ab pains to eoneeal her favoritism for the English, and ēhe ignores the suflfering of the natives at the hands of th« big sugar COTporations Gneofher first acts was toappoint a half breed favorite, Charlip Wilson, as marshal of the kingdom. She wa nted to make him a cabinet officer, but" as a minister's salary was ouly $5,000 a yw, Charlie preferred the mar»halship. * * Republican feeling in the islandBl3 spreading. Th# new labor parly reoently orh ganis6d demands in its platfbrm a aew constitution, a repubHcan form of government, %nd hints ai an4 nexation to the Un!ted States. Th? Queen has done nothing to firee the natiires from the infiux of coolfe labor from Aeia. Thereeentoensus ihow6 that xnore than halfof the whiie population hae left the eonki* the laat eix T*ey

have heen crowded out by coolies. ! import-edby sugar planters. a Coolies I are coming in at, the rate of over 1,000 montljly. „ Most of the land is unoultivated, as it has been bought up by Spreckles and other sugar ptanters. who don't want opposition in eane growing. no ehanee for .the natives, who āre rapidlv dying off. — Washington Sunday Gazette, Sept. 6. -