Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 291, 29 September 1891 — The Scattered Nation. [ARTICLE]
The Scattered Nation.
Many of our theologians and preachers preach that the Jews will be gathered together at the Holy Land, contrary to all bible proof that they shall be scattered for their disbelief and hardness of heart. Among the more prominent believers in this delusive theory are the Josephite Mormon's or Latter Day Saints, who claim not only scripturaI authority but direct inspired knowledge through their prophet(?) Joseph Smith, of the gathering of that unfortunate Nation. Hearing the same doctrine preached in our community by an Elder of that Church, we have watched with interest the forced exode of Jews from Russia, numbering more than when that nation was first driven a wanderer over the face of the earth. After several unsuccessful attempts on the part of this peculiar race to fulfill their mistaken belief, i. e., that they are to return to the land of their forefathers, and to be buried by the side of the old patriarch and prophets, they have been coldly told by the Turkish authorities that they cannot settle in Palestine. Money has been offered to the Turkish government to allow them to settle in Palestine, but strange as it may appear, for a state in chronic need of money and on the verge of bankruptcy, she has refused large sums from the Jewish bankers and other wealthy Israelites. As this is the belief of the Elder of the Latter Day Saints Church here based on what he claims the infallible prophecy of Joseph their Seer, we take pleasure in printing the following to disabuse his mind of at least one erroneous belief in which he has labored and endeavored to inspire others as correct according to scripture and was to be accomplished by the present exode from Russia. "The Jewish Colonization Society has been incorporated in London, with a capital of £2,000,000. The bulk of the shares are held by Baron Hirsh. The object of the organization is to promote the emigration of the Jews from Europe and Asia to any part of the world, and to establish colonies in North and South America and elsewhere." This race, once the most favored under the sun, has by its rejection of the truth, brought upon themselves the curse of being wanderers as it were like Cain. Even free America and liberal England have found excuses for refusing them shelter in their territories.
On the contrary, we believe that this proscribed people, as a Nation will never be gathered together any more in this world. God has proclaimed it, and history corroborates the truth of the anathema pronounced against them.