Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 291, 29 Kepakemapa 1891 — Page 4
This text was transcribed by: | Linda Matkin |
This work is dedicated to: | Awaiaulu |
"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."
John E. Bush.
Luna Hooponopono a me Puuku.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1891.
The Scattered Nation
Many of our theologians and preachers preach that the Jews will be gathered together at the Holy Land, contrary to all bible proof that they shall be scattered for their disbelief and hardness of heart.
Among the more prominent believers in this delusive theory are the Josephite Mormon’s or Latter Day Saints, who claim not only scriptural authority but direct inspired knowledge through their prophet(?) Joseph Smith, of the gathering of that unfortunate Nation. Hearing the same doctrine preached in our community by an Elder of that Church, we have watched with interest the forced exode of Jews from Russia, numbering more that when that nation was first driven a wanderer over the face of the earth. After several unsuccessful attempts on the part of this peculiar race to fulfill their mistaken belief, i. e., that they are to return to the land of their forefathers, and to be buried by the side of the old patriarch and prophets, they have been coldly told by the Turkish authorites that they cannot settle in Palestine.
Money has been offered to the Turkish government to allow them to settle in Palestine, but strange as it may appear, for a state in chronic need of money and on the verge of baknruptcy, she has refused large sums from the Jewish bankers and other wealthy Israelites.
As this is the belief of the Elder of the Latter Day Saints Church here based on what he claims the infallible prophecy of Joseph their Seer, we take pleasure in printing the following to disabuse his mind of at least one erroneous belief in which he has labored and endeavored to inspire others as correct according to scripture and was to be accomplished by the present exode from Russia.
"The Jewish Colonization Society has been incorporated in London, with a capital of @2,000,000. The bulk of the shares are held by Baron Hirsh. The object of the organization is to promote the emigration of the Jews from Europe and Asia to any part of the world, and to establish colonies in North and South America and elsewhere."
This race, once the most favored under the sun, has by its rejection of the truth, brought upon themselves the curse of being wanderers as it were like Cain. Even free America and liberal England have found excuses for refusing them shelter in their territories.
On the contrary, we believe that this proscribed people, as a Nation will never be gathered together anymore in this world. God has proclaimed it, and history corroborates the truth of the anathema pronounced against them.
The Future Time of Trouble.
Kossuth prophetically, took the same view, when he said, "In Turkey will be decided the fate of the world."
The opinions of eminent warriors and statesmen, in reference to the overthrow of "the equilibrium of Europe," gives us an idea of the real motives which has induced the great powers to tolerate such a nation as Turkey on the Continent, -"a nation false in religion, destitute of humanity and a disgrace to modern civilization." Constantinople is the grand central strategic point of Europe; and the power that is able to gain permanent possession of it, as Russia desires to do, that power will be in a position to dictate terms to the rest of Europe. It is for this reason that the unspeakable Turk has been suffered to drag alone a sickly existence upon the soil of Europe; a preventive tacitly understood to keep each other out.
But this manner of preserving the balance of power cannot always exist. A great power says, "he shall come to his end and none shall help him."
How far this has been proven, the following from the S. F. Chronicle of March, 1871, on the "Eastern Question Congress," held in consequence of Russia's announcement in 1870, to disregard the treaty of 1850, will throw some light:--
"It is quite evident that, as far as directing or controlling the action of the Moscovite government is concerned, the Congress is little better that a farce. England originated the idea of the Congress, simply because it afforded her an opportunity of abandoning, without actual dishonor, a position she had assumed rather too hastily, and Russia was complacent enough to join in the little game, feeling satisfied she would loose nothing by her courtesy. Turkey is the only aggrieved party in this dextrous arrangement. She is left face to face, with her hereditary and implacable enemy; for the nations that previously assisted her, ostensibly through friendship and love of justice, but really through motives, of self-interest, have evaded the challenge so openly flung into the arena by the Northern Colossus. It is easy to forsee the end of this conference. Russia will get all she requires, another step will be taken towards the realization of Peter the Great's will, and the Sultan will receive a foretaste of his apparently inevitable doom - expulsion from Europe."
The smouldering fires of the "Eastern Question" broke out anew April 24th, 1877. Russia under the ostensible purpose to defend the Christians against their barbaric treatment by the Turks, raised the standard of war against Turkey. It was plain, however, that her object was to drive the Turks from Europe, as she seem to be inspired and determined to do. The events and results of that struggle is still fresh in the memory of the general reader. Turkey was overmatched from the first; the outposts to her capital were all occupied by her implacable foe. Diplomacy again was permitted to check the fulfillment of Russia's ambition. It was not ordained to be at that time. Amother Congress was held, Jan. 25, 1878, and Turkey agreed to sign conditions of peace, viz. "the Dardanelles should be open to Russian ships; that Russia should occupy Batoum, Kars and Erzeroom; that Turkey should pay Russia @20,000,000 stirling as a war indemnity. In making this announcement, the Allgemeine Zeitung added: "The eventual entry of the Russians into Constantinople cannot longer be regarded as impracticable."
The Detroit Evening News of Feb. 20, 1878, says: - According to the latest version of the peace conditions * * * The proposition amounts to giving the Czar a permanent mortgage on the whole empire, and contains an implied threat that he may foreclose at any time, by the seizure of the remainder of European Turkey. In this last aspect, all Europe has a vital interest in the matter, and particularly England, even if the conditions were not in themselves calculated to drive English creditors crazy, by destroying their last hope of ever getting a cent of their large investments in Turkish bonds. It makes Russia @ creditor of the bankrupt Porte, with the additional advantage of being assignee in possession, leaving creditors with prior claims out in the cold.
(To be Continued.)
The People of Hawaii Said to Want a Republican Form of Government.
A Honolulu letter says the new Hawaiian Queen is becoming more unpopular every day with the natives and Americans. She takes no pains to conceal her favoritism for the English, and she ignores the suffering of the natives at the hands of the big sugar corporations.
One of her first acts was to appoint a half breed favorite, Charlie Wilson, as marshal of the kingdom. She wanted to make him a cabinet officer, but as a minister's salary was only $5,000 a year, Charlie preferred the marshalship * * Republican feeling in the islands is spreading.
The new labor party recently organized demands in its platform a new constitution, a republican form of government, and hints at annexation to the United States. The Queen has done nothing to free the natives from the influx of coolie labor from Asia. The recent census shows that more than half of the white population has left the country within the last six years. They have been crowded out by coolies imported by sugar planters. Coolies are coming in at the rate of over 1,600 monthly. Most of the land is uncultivated, as it has been bought up by Spreckles and other sugar planters who don't want opposition in cane growing. There's no chance for the natives, who are rapidly dying off. - Washington Sunday Gazette, Sept. 6.
Another Wailuku Water Case.
We are informed that another of those intricate water suits will be instituted by parties living in Wailuku, against the Wailuku Sugar Company. This suit will be the result of an attempt on the part of the Wailuku Corporation. to divert the feeders to the Wailuku Water course that supplies all the taro lands of the valley, and thus rob the taro patches belonging to the tenant of its supply of water.
The water heads and springs from which the water supply is obtained are old and well-established, and have become public property. Any diversion of these old kuleana's of the people is unjust, and should be summarily sat on by the Courts of the Kingdom. We are not at all astonished at any attempt on the part of corporations to secure water, especially after a nine months drought. It is hard for money-makers, however, to preserve itself from the trials and temptations thanslves of this lustful and sincursed sphere.
That the expatriated young Hawaiian, who is the victim of evil machinations, did not go to Samoa by the last steamer. The warlike attitude of the natives there has paralized business and rendered it a good place to stay away from just now.
That the rising generation of young Hawaiians are indignant at the big Premier for the attitude he assumes towards them - he, whom they thought would be their leader and friend is a deceitful fraud. That gray haired old crank has led you all astray, Sam : Ach du lieber, Himmel.
That Justice Cederkranz administration of the government of Samoa has been a dismal failure, and that unhappy little kingdom will soon be annexed to Germany.
That W. R. Castle has created a refreshing breeze "through Kona to Hilo," and we applaud the sentiment that "perhaps the legislature will intervine and make it expensive and uncomfortable to lock up big lands which ought to be thrown open to improvement and habitation. But beware, sweet William, your plutocratic friends of the reform party will excommunicate you, for you are now preaching the doctrine of the Nationals.
That the year 1891 has witnessed the deportation to the political bone yard of many wrecks, frauds and failures that will never be resurrected. The only symbols by which they will ever again be known by are J. A. C. - G. B. - F. W. - H. A. W. - E. C. M. - T. R. L. - C. J. M. - All their former pride and glory are departed from them forever. 1892 will carry out four more that we know of to the same boneyard. If the man with the monkey theory is correct, these defunct atoms may take an inverse evolution and reappear in some future generation in a monkey menagerie.
That it is an undignified and childish performance for a cabinet minister to use the power obtained under a royal commission to wreek personal spites against young men in the civil service. The last two Finance Ministers have been outrageously guilty of such misconduct, in attempting to ruin innocent families.
That on of the four victims of discharged from the General Post Office has been reinstated to his former post. This is a good beginning Walter, but how about the other three whose numerous friends pinned their faith on you.
That the night guards of the customs service can outsleep the police. The man, whom Billy A. jerked out of his slumber the other night does nothing but hiamoe on his watch, and the other guards are all notorious snorers: The customs guard service under the present Surveyhor is a useless force and needs a complete overhauling. The sleeping and snoring customs officers of Honolulu are a standing joke among steam boat men and merchant men.
That the irrepressible Don Celco-Caesar Moreno never has been the representative of the National Party in Washington, and that it would be better for Hawaii that she be allowed to exercise her friendly relations there through native Hawaiians only.
That the U. S. S. Pensacola has arrived and that our girls are consequently happy, for the ship has come to protect them of course - "don't you know??"
That according to the Bulletin's "one dig a day" against Ka Leo is "more than our importance deserves." and yet, in the same column, the Queen Street crazy rag immediately contradicts itself y giving Ka Leo a second "dig." O consistency how you are kicked at by the "orb."
Eia ke hooiuia mai nei ma ke awa la'i o Koa nei, he elua aeko, eia na moku kana Penesekola a nie Mariana.