Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 290, 28 Kepakemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That the one "dig" a day will prove the Uulleim'a downfall, and the destruction i of its political supporters, while Ka Leo and the National Party will eome iu on the topcrest of popular su(frage and sweep awuy the Builetm debris, not exceptinglittle D&n and his antipode friend.
| That the P. C. Advertiser is justly indignant at the boyiBhness of the Premier, or perversouesB or fooliBhnese, or all three peculiar characteristics combined, — in ord- j ermg the Band to play ateomeother plaee than the one advertised. It *eems as if the addition of an Elder in the ministry, | in person j& the Minieter of Finance, bas"i>ot had the eflfeet tf> properly hallaai our youthfull Pitt» who BeemB bent by his aeliona to be knawn only aa
» That an old gentleman, jast J*etrirned from a yisit to CaHfornia, states that there is no plaee after all like Hawaii nei. That to a man like him, who onee said as he eame away from a prayer ipeeting, that hehad always looked upon adollar as being as big as at eart-wheel, we ean understand his reasons for appreciating the land of his adoption. There are quite a ,number*>f people who have returned to Hawaii for the same reason Wore hiin. v
That the most exclusive as well as the most consistent and enthusiastic Mutual Admiration Society, in thia Kingd6m, is confined, inits membership, to two Mae and old Joe. By the way, will some gentleraan who has closely watched the history of events in this country, pleaee step forward and inform an anxious public īn what manner, when and where either of the members of that adisirable aggregation of self-esteem has shown any real ability as publicists?
That mr ridicule o¥ the Komaneeqiie hyphen-izing of his name by the gentleman from holy Boston, hā§ shamed him into . a compromise, whieh involyes the conspicuous omission ofthe hyphen m the Bulletyi's rcport of a cettain "wedding reception, while the ridiculous little dash is retained in the Finanee Office notices published by ! authority in the Advertiser. We do not propose to let up on our hypheimted hybrid until he retreats ent|rely from the middle ground he is now trying to and dfops the absurd use of the hyphen — pauloa. /r .
That there has been a new departure in the standard of the selection of teachers at Punahou, —that hoary gospel dispensary. It is no longer a detriment to a.lady ap» plioant for a teaeher's position that she isyoung, prettyand accomp!ished. That the Musical Recital at Kaumakapili last week lbrought before a Hoi)olulu audience no less than two recent acquisk.ions to tbe staff of that institution — Miss Dalej a delightful soprano songstress, and Miss Wink, an accomplished pianist, who illustrates the truth of the aboye suggestion: —It is happily no longer essential that a lady candidate for a plaee on that staff should have a face that would stop a eloek.
That the above referenee reminds us that the sa-called u Hon©rable" Paul Isenberg san]{ like a bird at ihe reeital mentioned. Paal has tremendou3 lung power» — enoagh to run a xnoderate size windmill. Somehow, &s the writer listaued to the tones of the apoeliel, that eveniug, there involuntarily ecc«rredtohis miod an idea onceespressed by a witty lady, after list* enning to an oheee pnma donna, yi*: that her ainging suggeeted to the mind of the sp«iker the spectaclt of a hanet piping out of a lomp ofautt Paul never palls oa a HoooluhK *odteo*.