Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 290, 28 September 1891 — A Reply. [ARTICLE]

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A Reply.

That u Smilax" or perhapß more appropriately named emall-ax evidentlv has an ax tognnd, and when sharp if such a thing were possible, to use it on Ka Leo. That there are pleuiy of such small charaoterB in th!s community no one need be surpri3ed, aa they are generaliy impeeunioua and will do any thing obtain a meane of existence, vt Smilax" is one of those small fries that calls for & eup of coflfee for teu cents, and eatd up tho balance of other people'e lunehea m aU the time Bteftling the

Elele and Ka Leo to read 3 beeause too mean and not honest enough to buy one and read it leisurely and understand what he has read and talk intelHgently about iti The fellow evidently has some knowledge of an Insane Asylumi and from his language, we should say, he haa been an inmate of one. He is how-: ever a mean pur, otherwise ; when speaking as he does of an individual, he should sign his name, and be a man and not act like a pnp.