Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 289, 25 Kepakemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That the . gritty Samoans are having another quarrel to enahle them to have there rights restored to them. We do not the idea of fighting, but we do not believe in tlm ideā of being" kicked, cuffed and theA robbed by a lot of strangers without remonstrating. That there is quite a force of men known as Wilson's detectives, who are being well paid out of the people's fund, to look around, īn the emplov df thp: government. Th!s is one way of keeping dowu disaffection. That Her Hajesty, under advisement of her physicians f will not live mueh in the Palaee; her health has improved i since she has retired to Washington Plaee, her private residence. That Kahuna's say that no one ean live in lolani Palaee and sur* vive except a Kamehameha. This will give Mrs. F. Kaaniau Pratt, andPrince Kunuiakea aehanee to don crown and sceptre, if U. £>am doe» not send some one to do ihe honors of our Executive Mansion. as either of these two aliis of the Kamehameha line will probably optlive the rest. _That liberal and fet mducementB were uiaek by unsorQpulouB po&K cians. (oot of the Natkmal Party.) >to the two presidiag <tes of the Meeham&' Unioa; that,the atteia|4 wae a total feulure.—the filthy peo--poeiUon having no more effect than water on a duck J 8 harV We »• joice to my tha! honesty wae a match <br thehloated pMmeo. audahould toaeh the Ut* ter to haue more «el^p^i,

! • That I.Qnina woule! aa ,apr candidate Cor I<*gTßlafcive hon6rs, ās r lje wa& and is one of th'e most valiant : "ahd faithfbl - ~ iliiidarā t>earers ani v oratora of th&' $fatioal Farty, wKom the adminisiratioQ affected to |Corn. That'old .man Phillip» is after ? all a faithful old war horse ofthe' party, and.will not disapiK>inl fe friends by going over td the etiemy. Ka Leō will set him "iip, nēxt tiase ~ we ineet at Cunha'3. That it is evident that E. C. i)»ity and T. R. ("!uspidor are ciqt inthesurim, bnt.*ire like the lost children of Israel, E. C. Shem and T._ R. Ham we i)resume: C. J. Japhet got loāt long ago. J. 0. Meihmelah will not sncceed in findr ing ihem or in revivifying himself. That al-1 the country distriets are waking up and taking a live intorest in the forthcoihing elections and inform us that the B<āota Lahui will take the ca£e. That Dan and his 4 'reform" base Sammy are sorety pnzzled to know what part the Bulletin witl play m the next campaign. If they sit on the fence they will get pelted from both sides. That a pair of gentlemen who are very mueh wanted in their own country whenee they departed in liaste by private conveyance, are "seeing" certain prt)minarft officials. They appear to be plutocrats bf the first water and will doubtless find '"■■■ ' ■ ■ ■ many congenial and sympathising friends in this paradise of th£ Paeific. There is no reason why they should not become members of Her Majesty's Cabinet if the prfsent style of mißisters poutinues go be fashionable. That ihe Sons of St. George iet the Dragon loose on the Sons of Patriek and St. Andrew, ,on last Monday evening, and that a great many sons of the two last tnentioned patron Saints. who were £empted to a tournamer»t with the old Nick % was a howling and yelling as late as five o'eloek the niat morning before they struggle ceased, the expiring sons murmuring as they tipped over,-the sha-sham-rock, and the Uu-thi : thistlew That another saudy oandidate proposes to t*ehr out the |oarth waid repres«itative in the ooßung oampaign. TJ*at F. B. Km tfeeiiiig th pulse of the pacfte' of M luad Waiaaa* in IwHOie pufeovof a» n»pc*Bbe £tieado£A%Hoiu gentteta&. oa Luwa o ** LmouUAW) ki.Wii aka M Utoh«it«Bbß) iwrhiatt kahi hoihoi »ai