Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 287, 24 Kepakemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That tbe same Rey. pax6ouie eminēnt in science but makes him«elf redkulous when lie discusser political afiairs and men, for he displays a narrow and biassed mind.
That the haek drivers all say that Marshal Charly is a tyrant, and they will all vote him. ■ That SerenQ Bidhopis not a eompetent judge of the character, eapapity,- aud st^ding v of our public men, and his ph«togrāpic eoUeOiion in tk Itevuw of Mviem is an lncorigru6ttf jumble. tiHifica* tion of Wilcox, — anel laudation of fcaitiikeīi. eause £ aiiiong gives <solor to a that was tlie H brave ,,; wlw> wantcsi V\ when he was a piic>;K . r aiul iilnne. v! ; i'io Hui Kalaiaiiia recog111705rv»jernbers the ftuthful iow • s. 1 V Nnestly and faithf;j:!y > v ; o»ilors in tho Assem,v' . - iuioin))uite aiul vote .;ivi!y. .. , . j Tn \ * u -silized aiid qf*\n) - v wos also to hie TK#is 1 ? ialilL ths false n»scot ot Wh<siso actions arc f;vmily eomp, ' '""I *
That the lull in opiam scandāl wouid Beem to iadicate that a eompromiBe has been effected between opium smugglers and / opium catchers.. That to Ssm Parker and Heriūann Widemann belong the glory ofobligiog- a young to renf>u?ico feis 'to seek.fitebtipkt|on abroad : «rfcaii Qitkea; >; Hin?ali} idl $ou - :, kanixka ♦' ā » f«lw l&ie feߣohs, : and tsrfs. »&-} I i Vf- **■ £ ī*'- ; nst wur .drive us ail u*der .the, Am- *» \if£ j.-, ;v i , i +£, ft • «**&*■%*-: .... „ip vs !>#»« ;■ au & .** Chata® SjfrMw9&l 8 V d 6l*Xj/*6t ; . ; >>J 4 ;i O »»4 t»ftj s«4:py<}B tb#B ?9tt r. " .. v, .'. ;..,,, : *' : '' ' , ī-\ 'i- ' !".' ilie aTūfa ftāfi#ēk | the Nationals are Btnvinj| imrd ca J pturQ v the ; Upion, but that intelligent of men, will iibt be j whee<!Ue& by thfe crcwv €*M.he bafŪanji, br r thd ; g£bWF o£ttife yery īaine little. jecl . 1 ' V v " Tfeat «,re i»meist ®aen ? . sin(Lwiint hoß.es£por lflifeiand l to : ' reprfe&eht ' them, ! Buch tre&yMrous ? kchemors as Votys*lak time: |(earni a lesson By experience r 'an<l wUI look well to their ba)lats ihis tw»e. ,
Tbat tbe Advefrfcaser ectstle is ly ā siltiriaii aflTair of bigfrtry after all, and not a liberal nineteenth century as we imagined. Tbat the Bulletin is worried because \?e ai« inditing diatribeß againit some of its old pals whō tried to play the fool with the National Party. We want to replace tbem wiih rtetter men, Dan.
That B. Cv M. is fitriviag hard to get bimself elected as Preside<!t of the Meehaniea' Union. He hps a few misinformed and misguide4 foMowers,; but hia efectici« will ioean the dkruption of ihe Union* th© majOrily wiU toot tokrato $itii/knowing is the eeho of the' head of the Bbston mescaotile Hiissionary home.
Thai the ministeri al p«tron of tbe*Biilletin has evideutly ordered that sheet fire ane 6h»t every day at Ka ī,fo. TW inane and pointless efibrte of iiUlo Dan to obey lns ma4ers orders are noticahle by thier purility and u ridi» culosit)\"
- «That Ka J.eo is rapadly pjr6»ecutin|c the useful work csf unmask* utg troachoi\>ud poliiimu& and sU\>i>gfeteDiag the fol!oi*» of the Hie llni l£&l&iais» And the uucleus of thc Kaiional Partv.