Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 287, 24 Kepakemapa 1891 — Hui Kalaiaina Meeting. [ARTICLE]
Hui Kalaiaina Meeting.
The Executive Commitlee of t"be Hui Kalaiaina me£ yesterday at tbe International Bethel Street, at tlie eall of Presidenfc Kahoonei. After the meeting eame to order the object of the eall was stated, to be the considertttion of aDeclaiations of Principles of the Hawaiian National Liberal Party." The document was read and acted upon by articles, and adopted in its *iitirety, every member present at the meeting voting its adoption, as the platform ofthat organization. u Decla"rat!ons" treats txhder differerit feea<Kites,|f <ihe (11 Priiciples tution; (2) Independence of the Country; (3) Judiciary Reforms; (4) Taxation; (s}Monopohes; (6) Publie Servants; (7) Protection to Home Indußtriee; (8) Loeai La^eing Sman Tariuirig and HomesteBds; (11) Electoral Rights; (12) InternallmMroYemc!its., The principles adopted by the Executive CoipmittA6 of Hni Kalaiaina, we are crrdibly infornied, are the same as ttit«e submuted to iiLilon lbr ibēit SJ»si<teratAou; by Natjoual Ezc> Btitive Cobtirittefe, composcd of elected throflitout tho Gr#up at the last elecfiSfe 6n thd MifTonal Ticket,—
•' : k. ■! ' r •. men uiio have stqsd r unwaferipg)y by the principles I>f the Hui Kalai-i aina and Mechanics' Union, under; the Party name, iC National Hawaiian Party," and who are still| detote& to <jatise ofh the The < "declaration ?, submitted is a documeut that will no doubt meet j masses. It is based upon equal rights and upon liberal a»d progressive ideas of administering the affaire of the the elective system for offices a»4 decentralising of power. We note with extreme pleasure, thf and buieness like #Ww tsti c<#|6tte did its work, particularly when a poor ion, who, ifthe real callof their meet»etl'/a|iursday, was known, | had the same object in view as the Hui. U nfortunately, however, for the lattes#W s?bttllfe" "bears" u lions" got mix«J ! ea up together, and the result was a "draw." iuriited alt{6n •n the part, of the representatives of| h&laiāina, indicates true fepiHt ampog j the £Ēawaixaits 4 and hope th.at •; its eompanion asse>ciations will be moved by the same desire to do| right. 1