Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 286, 23 September 1891 — Pick and Shovel. [ARTICLE]

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Pick and Shovel.

Several young Hawaiiane. who were edaeated at the Sfc. Lonis Colleg% t made applieaiion for work lr<yn the gOT«rnment. The best thit could be giveo &em wae a piek and shovel, while a number of foreign sc hool children from Oahu College have been raade clerks and been preferred in other occupations. Two of these young uaen, who fcad been gathered in to guard and wal(h the Qoeen with othere, jagam^.the t laction feasted at Che r<tyal ta&e*'*f&tsg< two young meo when their Bervicee xtot my more Ssked for whieh had been promiBBd to th<»tn. T!iey were 3r©t

ed to Hkwaiians, and takes eveiy opportunity to carry out an anii-Ha-waiian policy. v This alien by birth, and feelings, offered to make ordinarj policomen)of these' two cated yonng men, at the aame time tliat a mamter of bar-room add Btrangers, that can nor substract, w.ere getting higber and better paid positions ih the poliee force, some even psfctenjdij&g todo work as detectiyes. , thisis 4>m|iaint th|t comes from the HAwaiian peopte7 whieh the Leo !s condemned forßy the P. C Advertiaer revo]utionißts, i. e., for makingit to the of th* b§ginning with the Sovereign, who is only a pobHc according fco ancient Hawaiian icleas.