Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 286, 23 September 1891 — A PIRATE DISGUISED. [ARTICLE]
Wheo the Scho#ner Tahiti arriyed here a Httle over four months afeo, w* gtaaed enough &om one oub6 crew & satisfy\is tlat dke intendcd to deceived the Hawaiian Oovemment, bypretending to take the poe»* Sonth Sea īgland natives liome, aftar ihe expiration of their coatracts. This information pQklished in &a Līx>, alid if w4* mistake not, notice of the matter - taken by U, S. Croyernijeßt officials here. Subsequent information received and publiehed. in &an Francisco papers state tfoatthe -schoener did just exactly what was «ald would done by her Captain, 1 e., to steal South Sea Island laborers and take them to Mexicē # We say, that this is practicing pi4tfcy, or the next thing to it, on board of a vessel that flies the star and stripes. This seems to us, as grekt, if not a greater breach, of aenational principle, &an the action of the Congressional vessel, Itata — the former to enfllaveJpoor unlortunate natives, the latter fighting against tyranny and oppression. I