Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 286, 23 Kepakemapa 1891 — Page 4

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This text was transcribed by:  Francine Frost
This work is dedicated to:  Awaiaulu


"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."




John E. Bush.

Luna Hooponopono a me Puuku.






      When the Schooner Tahiti arrived here a little over four months ago, we gleaned enough from one of the crew to satisfy us that she intended to deceived the Hawaiian Government, by pretending to take the poor South Sea Island natives home, after the expiration of their contracts.  This information was published in KA LEO, and if we mistake not, notice of the matter was taken by U.S. Government officials here.  Subsequent information received and published in San Francisco papers state that the schooner did just exactly what was said would be done by her Captain, i.e., to steal South Sea Island laborers and take them to Mexico.  We say, that this is practicing piracy, or the next thing to it, on board of a vessel that flies the stars and stripes.  This seems to us, as great, if not a greater breach, of acknowledged national principle, that the action of the Congressional vessel, Italta--the former to enslave poor unfortunate natives, the latter fighting against tyranny and oppression.




      That P.C. Advertiser, a paper owned and conducted by men profesing to love God with all their hearts and their neighbor as themselves, would do well to read the Bulletins's editorial of the 19th.  To make such criticisms as the P.C. Advertiser did, of a man in his misfortunes, is an outrage.knowing the bereavment he has sustained in the loss o f a wife and two children, within a short period of one another, only a few months past.  We have it from good authority, that poor Dan, within the past three or four weeks, has been a midnight mourner at his wife and children's grave acting as did one of his brother-editor's under nearly the same sad circumstances.

     Such uncalled for and bitter remarks from the missionary organ about an opponent in polities, after he has become ill, to say the least, is unworthy professing Christians.


Pick and Shovel.


     Several young Hawaiians, who were educated at the St. Louis College, made application for work from the government.  The best that could be given them was pick and shovel, while a number of foreign school children from Oahu College have been made clerks and been preferred in other occupations.  Two of these young men, who had been gathered in to guard and watch the Queen with others, against the Cummins faction, were feasted at the royal tablet.  These two young men when their services were not wanted any more asked for employment which had been promised to them. They were first sent to the Marshal, who is opposed toHawaiians, and takes every opportunity to carry out an anti-Hawaiian policy.  This alien by birth, and feelings offered to make ordinary policemen of these to educated young men, at the same time that a number of bar room servers and strangers, that were getting higher and better paid positions in the  police force, some even pretending to do work as detectives.

     This is just the complaint that comes from the Hawaiian people, which the LEO is condemned for by  the P.C. Advertiser revolutionists, i.e., for making it known to the officials of the Kingdom, beginning with the Sovereign, who is only a public representative according to ancient Hawaiian ideas.


Be Consistent.


     We are often amused at the manner in which one religious teacher undertakes to correct another on some particular point in Bible doctrine, and at  the same time entirely ignore others of far more importance.

      in reading Dr. Hammond's letter in the Bulletin we were pleased to see him advocate the original form of baptism as the correct one, whereby the convert is immersed in water, a memorial of his faith and belief in Christ's death and resurrection.  The doctor also urges implicit obedience to Divine commands, in all things.  His authority and in some points his practice is scriptural.  In baptism he could have pointed the "Seeker after Truth"  to Saviour's command to Nicodemus and to the world.  "That except a man be born of water and of  the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."  This new birth is illustrative of man's changed condition, his entry into a Christians life by faith and obedience to the exact teachings of Christ.  An imperative command which excludes all from an entry into that future Kingdom if not obeyed.

      The Doctor so far is perfectly correct, according to scripture, and any one who will read the last great commission by the Saviour to his disciples,---to preach the word, and they that repent and believe, baptise,--will readily understand that the ordinance applies only to those who have arrived at the age of mature understanding.

      But to be a consistent Christian teacher one must be obedient in all things.  We have heard the learned doctor in this city calling upon his hearers to implicitly obey every word of the scripture, at the same time the was trying to make out a lie of certain scriptural texts in order to convince himself and others that he was still obedient to the Creator, when weekly breaking the Sabbath Day, against the direct command of God, as embodied in his immutable, unchangeable law, the TEN COMMANDMENTS--the perfect, the royal law of liberty.

     "If ye love me keep my commandments," is an injunction that he quotes, and a good one, that calls every Christian to pay strict obedience to the LAW OF GOD and which covers every other command embodied in the Holy scripture.  In conclusion for the edification and salvation of many who are mislead by the traditions of men, we  will give the doctor or any one else a reward of $500 if he can point out by the Word of God, any text that teaches that the perfect law is abolished.                       ED.


Perverted Assertions.


     Perverted assertions are not an unusual term in political discussion, and when met they sometimes require to be answered and their malicious prevarications unmasked.  We state the above as a corollary to the proposition of the Bulletin under the heading of "extravagant assertion"  in which is made a pitiful apology for the cabinet policy together with a labored attempt to flatter the National Party and their principles, and make them believe that the present ministers are acting in accord therewith.  Of course it is known that the Bulletin is the ministerial apologist, being controlled as it is by royal and ministerial patrons and therefore that paper's utterances do not " reflect" independent public opinion, but only the inspired self laudations of individuals who have manoevre themselves into a very untenable position.  It is also known that the Bulletin's little editor has a running mate, who it is said took a high office under false promises and false colors, and this is not the first time he has indulged in "extravagant assertions" in defense of the powers that nursed him on government nap,  for fear that a change of powers might upset his equilibrium when he is again put into the scale to be weighed.

     Disregarding the Bulletin's undignified and utterly false allusion to the character of KA LEO  and our utterance, we pass on to an examination of its argument.  KA LEO and our utterance, we pass on to an examination of its argument.  KA LEO has contended that the whole spirit of the platform and principles of the National Part has been violated by both the present and the last Cabinet.  The leaders of the Party have been treated with utter contempt and disdain and we challenge the Bulletin to produce a single voter on the national side who will say that his ideas have been realized, or that he is perfectly satisfied with the administration of affairs or who regards the present men as a National Cabinet.  For every one the Bulletin could so produce., we could bring forth a thousand who will subscribe with a big oath to the fact that they are utterly disappointed with the result of their political struggle, and are convinced that they cabinet are not only  not in accord with the National written platform and principles,but are also adverse to the spirit of the unwritten purposes and wishes that actuated and animated the campaign of 1890.  The Bulletin undertakes to quote specific instances in which the cabinet are acting in accord with the results of legislation based on the National platform.

     Disregarding the Bulletin's undignified and utterly false allusion to the character of KA LEO and our utterance, we pass o to an examination of its argument.  LA LEO has contended that the whole spirit of the platform and principles of the National Party has been violated by both the present and the last Cabinet.  The leaders of the Party have been greeted with utter contempt and disdain and we challenge the Bulletin to produce a single voter on the national side who will say that his ideas have been realized, or that he is perfectly satisfied with the administration of affairs or who regards the present men as a National Cabinet.  For every one the Bulletin could so produce, we could bring forth a thousand who will subscribe with a big oath to the fact that they are utterly disappointed with the result of their political struggle, and are convinced that they cabinet are not in accord with the National written plaform and principles, but are also adverse to the spirit of the unwritten purposes and wishes that actuated and animated the campaign of 1890.  The Bulletin  undertakes to quote specific instances in which the cabinet are acting in accord with the results of legislation based on the National platform.

       We have no time to day to follow the "orb" in detail, but for the present it will suffice to say this:  True it is that the National measures concerning material and labor for public works, the deepening of the harbor, assistance of railway, Chinese restriction etc, are being adhered to, but these measures were practically in the platform of both parties and therefore absolutely imperative upon the cabinet.  At any rate, as the National Party is about to be revived and a new platform prepared for the coming campaign, this will afford every opportunity to enter into a detail of the national principles that have not been regarded, for it is too known well that the ministers are not in accord with the elements, native and foreign, that comprise the National Party.  It is useless at this late date to read them any old lessons for we look confidently forward to the time when they will be replaced by more able and more honorable men of the National Party.




The Paradise of the Pacific or the Devil's Kuleana.


(Continued by Uncle Beke.)

     He was so absorbed that he did not notice the book-keeper till a strong voiced aroused him.

     "Hello Smithie, what kind of a spell has paralized you now.  It is no use she is not for the like of you.  She is married and may be soon otherwise engaged."

     "Well, she's a little beauty.  I thought she was a porcelain image till I saw her wink.  Yes, sir, she's a little daisy right out o a picture frame,"  said the young man.

       "I thought." said Rowe, "you had a collection of budding feminine loveliness that could not be equalled."

      "The darling girls of Bowowee are superior  in something to all the rest of creation, but in the matter of complexion and order, you know it requires eduction of taste to appreciate them.  By the way I'm going to throw up the school teaching business.  I have lost faith in the thing, now."

      "What's happened to throw you off the track at this stage?"

       "Oh, the Board of Education.  They are always a at it.  They spoil all the pleasure of teaching.  They are always issuing proclamations, manifestoes, ukases, and maudamuses.  But this time it came in the form of a private hint from the inspector that teachers were not expected to be too familiar with their pupils.

      It's disgusting.  I argued with the man.  I said:  "Look here, you pay me a hundred dollars a month to try to make something out of a lot young savages.  You can't put intellect in their heads any more than you can take the color out of their skins by teaching them English.  You can't educate a scrub calf into a Durham cow, nor a pumpkin into a watermelon.  Improvements have to be made according to the laws of nature.  I can never marry and make a lady and gentleman out of these brute, but I could have forty half-whites that would be a great improvement on the aboriginal--abetter breed.  He seemed to take in my argument and said he would speak to the board about it.  But those old fossils will never be able to appreciate modern and improved methods.  I'm going to resign,  I am discouraged,"  and he dropped onto and partly into a keg of nails by the counter in a very dejected attitude.

       "You are too advanced for this age of the world, Smithie," said Rowe laughing.

       "Genius is never appreciated till it rots in the grave,"  said Smith sententiously.

       Think of a all I have suffered in the cause of education!  Think of the shooks to my feelings.  Think of my past innocence, my virtue, my character, my immortal soul! 

      When I came out from England from the fostering care of my mother and my grandmother and my aunt and the good old familuy doctor, I knew nothing of the wickedness  of this world the flesh and the devil.

      When I was employed to teach school, and I went in my virgin simplicity and --found my pupils, the whole lot of  them, young ladies and all playing in a neighboring pond with their clothes piled up on a rock, I felt like a hen with a brood of ducklings.  I sat down on the clothes and tried to reason with them.




      That were the Supreme Judges to be elected all the present man would be retained except one---the churchy politician.


      That the mantle of Balmaceda has fallen upon our would be dictator who now resides at Washington Place.  The feel killer has not yet completed his ceaseless task.


      That the Bulletin's comments on poor Dan Lyon's misfortune were fair and charitlble; but the Advertisers little man dipped his pen in the fiendish and intolerant flow of his own puritanic blood.


       That the covert sneers of the Advertiser scribbler against National leaders, shows that neither education, travel or German beer can alter the mean quality of puritanic character or endow it with a gentlemanly and liberal spirit.