Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 285, 22 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Phillipe, E. C. Maufarīaneand T. Lucas, are failures and cilat:ng members oflast legiglatnre 4 —.wou3d make, an e_x(jelient triō to gend.the Mechanic3' Union to its esrly grave. ' . That the octōpus ' arms of the de.vilfish is out fecling amo'ng the bone and sinew of the country.That we hope for the independence of the people in this country and for its general pro3perity that the tentacles of this aniiaal will not be allowed to attach itself to the honest and hard workingman. .; ■ ■ ; ■ - ■".■■■■■'■■■:■ . <>. That o'Suliivan wlthoiit rnember of the Mechanics Union put in his right and left before ViceFresident McKenzie gave him the drop. " ~ That the Macedonian Prince Phillip has evidently lost his grip, not knowing as President of the * Mechanic3 Union for what the meeting had bcen eallei. That Jatnes R. Holt an'd a Mr Williāms both Hawaiians. are eandi»iaies for Ewa and Waia.nae. ior ingratiti;de v one has to look arriong mis3ionaries for exajaipar eieelhnee. and for assuranee as compared 10 the delectahle eheek ofa brass monkev. That Mr. Guinn is the exponenō of the old poliiieai principleb upon whieh the Mechaaics' Uniou was built, and he still believes an d maint»ins to-dav. j That the Advertiser is wiliing"to | toady to the Qusea at the expense ;of its convictions for the qake of a | dollar or two s ahd in order to obt p ia a liUle puhlie gyrppathy against Ka L*v>. That it was not Ka Leo ciowd. I ?.t the Advctiser Party that eoospired against the sovereign and went to o&ex the throne to Kalakeua'a sister; that it was a cit>wd of hypocrites, members of churche@. lawyerB. usurers, sugar agents. and plantatlo uers» a»4ij. ionging to Gi<leon 8 , 5 .-worki whieh hrs heeome * unbearable and for whieh w forbearaace ceases to be a virtue, That Hon, J.Nawahi is goiog to stand for the tifth ward to ropresent the tHH»p le, That \\ m % Sheldon» who was diseh.vrged from ser?ice, perhaps for being toō ciev«r in hnnting opium thieves, and be th* mmns of brmging som», of these thmgs :iooieto olheiaU th*ausetoj& discovemi 79 tins of opium in a mhbigh box in the oating a&īoon lcngi»g to Akana. Murder will oot, and we moioe to see the evil rootout and we hope aU wiH get th«r ju«t