Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 284, 21 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That tae merabers of the MechanicßVUnion met in peaeē and uarted in harmony. Thi\t the Hon. E. C. Macfarlane spoke at the eall of meeting, and Hon. T. R. Lucas, spoke by inspiration, as us'ua3. Tbat u Peter" did not like the > Mechanics , Umon because Bob and Ned were nominated in hts stead for legislative honors, That P. O feuilivan <l upheld the presenfc government." Peter is different; to the Inehman that landed in New York, who when he found out tbat there was a *rovernment in Aiiienea, said wasagin W Sui- ' iivan think3 tliat no better Gabinet than the present one, ean be found. Good for liiiu! Thnt about one-hali of tho speakers at the Meehaniee* Meeting were Mc's. That there are ninety-three Jurv cnses tr> be tried at theeoming term of the Court, before eīudd, C. J. That tho Che fa Lottery game is on the increase; that some of t*he V»ore pretensions Hawaiians are being engaged in it, being behind the aeene. That Poliee Judge Hopkins is liable to be prayed to 1 fined two of the Kahunaa for killinga little native child. That there is an increase of imniorality in the community, since A. D. 1887. That some men, that were not membfcrs of the Mechanics had more to say at the cueeting thai« some that were. fhis is now the reverse order of fhi»»gs in the world Ttiat P. o'Sullivnn thinks 4hat .v tii new eh*etions in th»» M«>chaQics Union, certin of the present offiotrs an i oth«r* th * k invmcihl * M>ickenzie, might not be found thereagain. That in the &s e*ing tho onlv true Mechan?os aoaie of the Union Foundry, 8* it kby order," to help a i» .cked meeting." That the Elele» woekly hae bean Muoed to oiH>-lMlf ixi its bna»t Bi«e. lullni imnber »iti obiuag» *1 form; «m i888«d Satoni«j l