Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 284, 21 September 1891 — KAWAIAHAO CHURCH SHOW. [ARTICLE]

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The St rtM>sc»>ptioon ahow b« Mr. Ben Hog&n oti S«tuni »v vi> iog quiW a BMcwsa Th* t» d Uieatre ww crowd«d wilh

and children, mostly HawaHao.wW were thers to ses the shadōfcr of tbiogs wbich they have no hope of seeing. The enthusiasru of the spectators, £&ve oceasional vent in all maoner of hideous noises, making a iiowlj bcdlam of the ehurch. We Hope that Mr. Hogan has reaped enoug]i to make ud for any deficits, he may have safifered eonsequence of to mueh * io other quarfers.