Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 282, 17 September 1891 — A Defiance. [ARTICLE]

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A Defiance.

We hear by letter from Hilo, that a eouple of English gentleman from Australia had arrived at Hilo, intending to see the sights and to do the great wonder of Kilauea. They eame in a vesssl of their own. The rakish appearance of the schooner, gave it a kind of opium character to t"he officials in Hilo, and soon a search warrant was iēsued to overhaut the vessel. We hear that officer Māybe'was anthorized to serve the warrant, and unjdortook todo so, but was told to keep away from the vacht. The Poor Hilo officials, who are terrible fellows to kiek and bufiet Japanese peons, had to drop the business, having a greater regard for.. their offieial hides than the dignity of the law. Ha! ha !! i