Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 280, 15 Kepakemapa 1891 — A NEW WAR PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Adccrtis*ar hae eurprised both f:riend and foe tho past week b v v arou3ing fr«m its Siluri&ii slumbers air»d unmasking a battery of small Bhot with telling effect. Somo plumed knight of tbe nine» teenth conturv has evidentlt eonae to their hithertodrOwpy oave. First ihe 3>olie3 lK)inbarded with u rattlnig #ood,disi:har£e of eondemnation; thon an «ir sliip \vas conducted hith a r f I*olll Ililo and a torpedo

dfopped right over Alliolani Hale» in most reckless disregard. of the assurances of ccrtain sugar .barons that the, cabinet would be defended from assault; then they sent a sky rocket ahd a seareh light into Eraxqa Square to hunt for Berger his "new" programme of mnsic that was to delight tbe hundreds i assembied there; and we are sure jwe heard the Advertiser men whistlmg the marsellmBe instead of II a-1 waii Ponoi. Lastly they pumped | a scorching hot volley out of a gatling right into the Privy Council. Ka Leo and its political battalions, erected thier fortifications, and planted their standard some time ago, and have heeome veterans in a continued battery of power and shot, but gee«whiz, the Advertiser arsenal have put us on the qui vive with the lotting off of their explosives. Oor officers are on the ramparts trying to scan the manoeuvres in the Advertiser eamp; they report that as yet their guns are pcmted in the same . direction as Ka Leo's» But as they fly no colors we eannoi yet teil -whether thev will be allies or a hoatile fac■tion that jffill have to be annihmar