Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 279, 14 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
•>- That the invinciblo ehampion of freedoxD, Mr. D, I* of the firm of Meßsw. Nawahi& Hvmts has returned from Maui, on law husinesa for the tirm.
That one of tbe witnesses to prodiTßed against Barefooted Bill, is a*pair of shoes. That tbe Acting Poliee Judgecan pnnish a Marshal better than he ean act the part of one. That the Marshal was fined one hundred dollars for exceeding his duty ? in hunting for fire on a Mr. Hunt's premises. That this salutary kssoo is wiil not be lost on the the execufcivo division of nnr firnTrcrnmpnt. *. \ That the. complainant Hunt laid his elaim for damages at too modest a figure, five thousand instead of I three hundred dollars would have j hetter helped tbe Poliee Jostice's j sense of the proper award to heaī Mr. Hunt's injored honoi*. That W. S. Wond, by promoticn in thecivil'service would be entitled to a Clerkship in the SiTpreme Coiart ; but BOt being of that kind that would wear a blue nbbon r forswear his home and race, he never will bt promoted. — That it is very gratifving to the Marshal thathe has the opportunity to payof a Bill, though it is onlv a barefooted one, as a diligent search about the oAieo niay discover quite a number of threadbare hilla whieh he bas not been a? fortunate with as the former. That the "Oolonel" hasbeen suspended £or bei«g too mueh of & disciplinarian, having complalned of irregularities in a feilow overseer. That a noble youth, named Titas ManliuB, had his head taken off for exceeding orders v in daring to step out of the ranks, and s!ay Metius, his country's enemy. The Golonel had his offieial head cut short for siraply doing his duty. That the firm of Ashford Ash - ford has hunted a hundred do)lars out of the Marshal, and his pose % for hunting after a Mr. Hunt under a wrong scent. That it was clearly proven that there was no feed house 0n th€) premise§, and ao heathen confederate in the affair, and as no one could be played as a scapegoat by the defendants, it was surprising that onlv a hundred dollars damage was awarded as a~ soother.