Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 278, 11 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the B1 underer, alia« the Bulietin, is well off the track in its statemeht tljat l3ertleman's safe was opened by Barefooted BilL

That the Bulletin unwittingly corroboratee our "impliēation" that he waā endeavoring to shield Aseu, whom, by his own 4< autheutic" i nformation, stood a fair ehanee of being mobbed by a hundred or more hu»gry Ghinese, who blamed him for their being in that condition. The "high M sense ofjustice seems to us acockbill, when it endeavors .o pull wool oyer people'a eyes and imply t.hat it only seemed as if they had a real grievance against Mr. Aseu, when that genMeman had to eall a large body ofpoliee men to drive the mob away to save his queue.—The Bulletin's u high" sense of justice is too well greased to stand impartial inspection, and is in very mueh tbe samc condition as thefat sow's tail.

That Baptiet Hjammond is merely potting in 'Hime" pending tha \Vorld'B as Pair at Chicago, and is strangelsr miiing up baptising by immfersiabrtxwith l»nd speculation, houee building7^te. That public prot)£tyHs dead, the public conscience asleek iuodesty in the grave, Virtue liown, knowledge gone abroad, patriotism retired from bUBineBs,, and their opposites rampant and triumphant | True, but u the triumph of the wiekedisBhort n

That the expatmtion of H. F. P. is shortly to be fo}lowed bv that of about a <lozeD of our beet Hawaiian who # decUne to be alwk Bubservient to aud nnder-orderß from. malihinis, whose only elaine to office are kn«>wnothingissm atod truckling to inefficient Belf-Bufficient Buperiora (f) —-

That u Publican" inonr moribund conten)porary the I>aily Bnlietin givea Cbrigtian (?) Agents, truly abont their just dnes. False Btandards of Christianity are responsible for hypocricy and many dirty meannesBes> »nd to aak an applieant for plaee to Btate his viewf> on Truth, is alxn\t as sonsible and roasonable ;\s to ask opinion on The rv:il que6tion intended wne: What ;>re vour.—Pol?ticf °