Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 278, 11 September 1891 — Martyrs to the Truth. [ARTICLE]
Martyrs to the Truth.
That certai n offensivo jokes were practiced at the Palaee, upon some of the . Deople who were there & s watchers and mouners, while Governor Doininis lay in state; that it offended those upon whom the joke was played was very natural, and complaints were laid before the proper authority, when the eomplainants were quietly told to "hud you mush," but failing then to get redress # the matter eame before u», and through the Leo, the whole affair was submitted to the public. That the scandal it created so annoyed certain parties, whose duty it is to soothe, to relieve and to redress, that they undertook to hold a moek trial, a kind of 30iirtmartial, and because, like Washington, the parties, complainant and witnesses, would not lie about it, but fedrlessly told tho truth, the matter before the inquisition was dropped.—jjut summary proceedings i in injeotnient was instituted instanter, and the comp!ainant and his famely, old and faithful servants of the Queen during adversity, were ordered out of the Palaee never more to be seen there. that a Mrs. Joe Aea, whose religi&us scru]>les would not permit ber to swal!ow the father of lies, we aleo hear has been prohibited from the sacrod enclosure of lolani Hale. Poor Mr. Keamalu, and poor Mrs. Joe jV.ea, we sympathise with you in your defense fbr your rights and for the Trutit.