Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 278, 11 September 1891 — Annexation. [ARTICLE]
On tliis subject our views are ivell know, and we desire to quote ibr the infbrmation of the. many the following, from a speeeh by James G. Blaine delivered sometime since:
u \Ve are not seeking annexation ol' territory. Certainly, we do not desire it unless it should eome by the volition of a people who might ask the priceless bo . of a plaee under the flag of the Union. I feel sure that for a long time to eome the people of the United States will be wisely content with our present area and not launeh upon any ficbeme of annexation." The above declaration of principl<Ss by one of America's leading statesmen, i« plain and to thepoint. Bilencing as it does those who aesert his country's greed for this 4rchipelago, and those who believe annexation impossible.