Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 276, 9 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Mr. Ben Hogan, pugiligt and evange]ist, will give ahother of his soul stirring leetures, whieh none ean give straighter from the shoulder than the converted sport, and whose u nmistakabic ik)Cerity is evidenced in every utterance of the man. That he is doing good work in this community, and we bplieve convert "Barefooted Billi" and sav& the the necessity of having to engage ā detective from the United States for that purpose, showing eonelusively that a truc is an i adjunet for good to a community as maeh as a spurious one is a curse.
That the Hilo Record frankly aeknowledges that it has no inore use for the ministry, present ineambents having no policy to niake them acceptable to elther Party; and that the Cabinet already begin to verify the truth of the proverb of a man '"setting beiween two chairs."
That the Hilo Record is to be for its independent and impartial poliiieal stand, and will be entilled to stili fūrther respect v jf it fceeps vp its tone uotil after the next electious.
That rumors of the changes in the Cabinet are again going around town, like light fleecy elouds chased away by th*e trade winds, but that no poliiieal rainfall mūst be expeeted until the next Legislative cioud-burst.
Tffaiat <*very iaember of tfae Custonis' foroe reads Ka Leo earefally an4 appreciatively, from one eopy by the acting head of thd Department. That Ka Leo appreciates the left-handed eompliment—a Half a loaf ia better than none.
That the only start4ing news in the| future in Honolula, will be "no bui[glaries last nifsltJ ,
That the Advertiser yestferday gs*ye * gentle hint to the deerepid Bulletin about the blankaeBS of the eolumnk Nothing in |it but an ad. about eolie and stomach-cramp. No wonder I The Bulletin wasted and exhausted all its brains on the Leo and has ever suice had an indtgesUon ef our answere. Take moie of Chamberlain J s remedies v Dan, and keep cleir of the Leo!!
That their Honors Lneae aud Bush s<rtting together at luuoh at Nolte's yesterd»y noon, remin<JeH th<j>se present of the llou and )amb setting together with I>an as <he little~child between them. The d°pr* of that happy period oY peacv istaponui
|That the Q«een ought to have hekrd the expreßsion of the puhlie who had asBenabted Mondar niglrt at Emma square to hear the announoed Band cooo«rt, S*ndin? the puhiie paid by puhllo ro„ney % toa private wedmaj have been a niee eomplimentto the ncwbrid6, but it was oonakkred an inauU on the pnhlk ReiWl r , elidted W»caD rcmaris.