Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 276, 9 September 1891 — GENERAL DISAPPOINTMENT. [ARTICLE]
Last Monday cveDing, while the Hawaiian Band waa about to discourse music for the benefit of the public, at Emma Square, peremptory order was received by Professor Berger to postpoue the open air eoncert and adjourn to a mamage feast in Cana of Oalilee, where were gathere<i Scribi)s, Phariseeg and Sadducees, and the naoneychanßers. 0f course the unusually large gathering of people at the square were furious at this cavalier treatmān*t, and was loud in blessing through her constitutional advisers, when it was under--Btood that the order eaoie from the irresponsible head of the NHtion. A large mpjority was for a republie right away, ; but after the tumult had somewhat abated and none of thoße well-kuown violent agitators» of Nationalists and Reformers, aDpearing on the scene to adv r ance their views of populai' governmcnt, the opportune moment to crush Caesar was for the time lost; but the little aeom of disafifeetion hj«,d, by this seen3it»g ihgignificant inciderit, received quite a momentum in its growth. whieh eventhe obtuseness of a premier could not have prevented him from detecting it had lie been present. The change in the programipe was a sore disappointment to the public, 3and many and loud were the deriounceraents made against such an &buse of authority. Sending away the public Band as it was about to carry outa mueieal entertainment for the people according to notice, to accomodate thoee who have not even taken the forethought to make soine arrangement boforc hand with Mr. Berger,was insultingand intolerable.
We do not make these strictures against those who were eomplimented in the matter, but against high-handtxi subversion of ail regard for the rights of the puhlie, We liave been well informed tbat Professor C. O. Berger had iaken pains to enquire at head quarters if the Baud would be needed in Ae evening in qu<»tion: the reply in ihe nostativo led him to prooeed to do his duty towards the people, whieh he was unaMe to fnlfill through the stupidity and indifferenee on the part of the government towardMhe wheniheinof the u elasseB JV \vere to be oonsidGred. As the Ililo Heccrd tmplies this minisfrw is «oithor usefal nor ornamcivtal, aud> Ka I«lo echoefs tho
| qmekfcr the country is rid of soch [an incubus, as a bo<}-y repreēenting both extremes of agc in ite - j inake up to rule and the welfare of the Nation, better.