Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 275, 8 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Thāt the Atneriean M iniBter near Co\irf< gave a loBBin in econOmy, whieh uught be adm* t«fteoo9]y follow*d by some of our extravagant «ocietjr neoplo. Autht late Roy*i FunenJ Uis Kxoc)|e»ey ? a ehineee eook waa ali>o the,driv*>r of the state oarriiige t thus kilHng two birds with one Btone, Tbat many meehaniea and suuvll rctail ,dtf*lera beloujrin£ to the Ka tional Party bavo dcoul#Hi 10 j»top tlieir Bub6criptior> nntl adv»rti9e-i ment« with the lVulletiru if that sbeet doea not aa*ume a J-oided n.itional policy, in«t«>ad or "mali-Uiali-inK" the Planter-» und mon >>. ha<Eped Ref«fn?rf»,

ir ; Tfaat the- edifcor of' finds th« articles referring) to buqe Ka. Leo "doIeful;" it is alwi|& very/Joleful to be poVed and tbep But i tbe putyic haf \*mer yet, found Ka Lko dolefal and nev«r wili find it sp; That Mr Bcu Hogao has ()'ait£ aa extcnsive record of crime.a&d~ diBsipation whiea he haa pe&Hehea* in pamphlet form as a proof of hfe sincerity for the ediftcation df einners. He has repented and reform- i ed 'ani heeaehe a missioiKiry. . it ip believed that. xpany *of our missionaries might have a« long a list to account for at the fioal reck<sning; but they halre not yet eonfessed nor repented,. nor ean thēii records be i publWhed till the law against lihel is repealed. Tbat at the next ministerial ban* quet tbe following programme of mnsic will be played : The big Pnm'en Aiha nui palahalaha: Thefāt A. G. We won't go home till morriThe Mahope, The swēet-l>ve«and-bye, oi course; Th® Hyphisn: ' Wa all likfrsheep. we <ūl lih *heep t - AVk all v tifcg~ Sheep hav<&Btrssy. At the firiale the.band will omit Hawaii Ponoi ,as )nappropriatc r bnt will nlay the RogCies March. That the Katives eomplain of tn*> bad o£ the l*te Stat*Puneral; aod that tbe wa» wilder than it ever have Iwpo before. . : v That not many government euaployeea &ppeared in the funeral proeession; that even here ia the capital of the Kiogdom a £tudied disregfird of the that be" seem to cxkt. That the. Oolonel in cltarge of the funeral proceBsion, should have known his duty better than to change the printed order, and allow the Pnvy Cou«cilors to pt*~ cedc the Members of the LegiBlftture,—an unpreocdented discourtesy and unealleu for iiwuH to th* aeccmfd estate «f the llaw.Hiia» Kingdom.~Such is the deaire lor pomp and vain-glory among the plebian mob or codfish .*\nstocracy, that. We presume, the Oolonel had to give awgy. That in view of the extraordi« nary Chrwtian charity &nd Jeniency diBplayod by the misMonai > y Min> i®ter of Finawpo in faTor of th© Jewish smuggkr, tho millenium must be near at hmnd.