Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 274, 7 September 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That it seemed inappropriate ancf a mockery to hear the hymD 4tNearer my God to Thee," played at the funeral of a pereon who never during his lifo-time acknowledged God. That the boyish Premier and vo~ lupttioUs Attornēy-Geneial are having great spōft in coosuming at, private entertainmente, a portion of the edibles intended for a certain dinxier, That it took the Bulletin's editorial stafT three days to consider its last twenty lines reply to Ka Leo, and tliat there is nothing in K after all. That tho riot at Kohala, among the Chinese and the barons and the missiottary convert Asieu } who was bait-man, was most thorougbly explained by the Buiktin, as a Jkind of hugh joke, whieh ended in the crowd getting drunk on tea and bard tack: that that was the reason they were found around house tbe next morning rady to get at his quene. That De Heorsey Corncrib ha? been appointed io the Akounds of Sw(set'sMost Sapient eouneil, where he will continue to strut ae before. —being now brought into closer competition, in that respect, with the Akomid'3 Head Dispenger of, Fair Plny. lliai'e Swat. That it. i» a mistake to suppose that br;uns are at all necessary in that august galaxy of entities. That hrains are at a premium in the last batch of tbe Hawaiian Privy (3o u neil—appointe?s— except Dole, q,nd tliat some of the apprehension #ar the degeneration of ihat super!atively ueeM body into a dime imisfiun, or an aggregation of u freaks" jock€ys, and card sharps.