Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 274, 7 September 1891 — A TALE OF THREE MOTTOES. [ARTICLE]

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Iu Honolulu was ā paper Almost quite unknown to lame; "Be just and fear not" was its motto, Adverti*er was its name. s Twag the orJv government organ — Aml the eoin c.)rralled with greed; But unfortunate BubBcribers but government "ahe" could read. . •_Fhe proprietors view of j ustice Wae t4 rake in all the gold you ean, " j?br when comes a new election We'll he <k busted" to a man. How another leading paper €alled the Etening Buttetin: #< Pledged to neither sect or party'' £ut that by whieh moBt goīd ihey'll win. *'Pledged to neither sect orpart\y' What a crammer Bulletin! "Why you'd back up any party Whieh would bring you in mos-tJ'' tin.'' JJut your lime is coming "Bully," Soon our votes we'll cast again And your money grabbing ticticg You will find are all in vain. *Cwo year« paes and thinge are alter<?d — WĪiat paper's this before me here ? &a Leo o ka Lahui Ib ifcs title plain and clear. with advertiBement>-, j Paid for by the government? No it's full ol read.ng matter And for public good it ? e meant, : r.ncient name for Lion; • -arless, as thy name implien, „ 'etin and Advertwer Vou have crushed with all their Hes, r Chen let us all support Ka Leo And it'B motto whiehmean» this : "Tkat a country lives establifitied Only by its righteousnesg. Yox Populi.