Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 272, 3 September 1891 — FOOTPRINTS. [ARTICLE]

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Writteh by V. M, Crowley. . \ ' What to be human footpHnts hate been discovered iii the sāndstonē. formation near the coast. They fcre several feet below the surfbce and apparently of very ancient date. We rise to explain i how those footprints gpt there: 'fwae a dreary ftight by a dreary shore. And slowly th(o murky tide did fiow, With a dtßmal wail and a washy roar. Some fifty-five hundred years ago; Ank the winds flew by with a dolorous v hum, Like a worn-out harp or a muffied drum. The ekiea were as dark ae a hidden sin o'er the dreamer who pondered there alone, And Badly the inky seas rolled in, As he ertand roased in an undertone. He was an editor thin' with woe, And he graeped in hie hand the Ka Leo.For things were bad īn that far off day About thirty-five hiūidred vears B. C., And the naked subscriber wouldn't pay, I But always wanted hie paper free; | Anda hairy contributor long and thin, i Raised Oain when his paragraph didn't goin. And he mused in hierogiyphfcs there For language wasn't invented yet, And so a eitizen had to swear, In n sort of cuniform alphabet; And when hecōuldn't help but damn, He did it by meana of a diagram. And he thought of the nndresscd nohiliie Who put onairs at theancient date, And passed resoiutions beneath a tree Wili the Hui Kalaiaina federate But they sat on their tails with abiHious eye Wlien a eommon passed lliem by. To be coutinu*d.