Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 271, 2 September 1891 — A Series of Errors. [ARTICLE]

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A Series of Errors.

The golden ealf bas been tlic god of the pious schemers who have heretofore con"rolkdthe govcr n men t of this country; in its naine they have worked miraclcs—of intrigue ānd theft. The peopJe lvave not heen factor of any importance in political calulations. The high pr'*asts of the auriferous sniff the air and snort: The peopie be hanged. Only onee have they desired the assistaneenf eommon men. They did not have that unrestricted access to the puhiie treasury and despotie power, that : belong§ by-diyhic right to the posI sessors of gold. Things needed reforming in that respect. With sanctimoniuua emotion they began to preach l< refbrm" and point with pious indignation at the 3orruption in puhlie affairs that they themselves had wrought by practice and by example. The people joined the bayonet league and the reform was accomhlished; the missionaries were all in a®d reasonably happy. Thurston and his friends scomed the people who had put them into power. The had fixed tne constitution and laws for a life reign but the prophet of the reform lost his plaee through want of populai* support. It must have been a great to the elect. It ought to be a lesson to all would-be politicans. The new cabinet no sooner found themselves in power than they forgot their pledges and became blind devotees of the. aforesaid deity. They have gone out. The Queen would not have dared to diseharge a popular ministry, but every one was glad to see them go. Now we have another set foirowingln their footsteps. They too are bull worshipers; and their days are numberd. No party liked them. Probably of all things in the world the ministers desire to hold their positions. That is why they have done all they eaa, for they used little eommon s6nse andtact towards the Deopleand made no honest en : deavor fbr good gov«3mfflent. Their places would have beea secare ? Such policy is short Bighted,We have two examples within recent times o£ the results to cabioet6 who have pursued such a oourse. Itseem& that there must be Bome natnral viciousness as well as stupidity that influences them iu their tive course. Another exaniple or two will he suffioient for poliUeane; what we willneed then will be a lesson to monaroh&