Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 271, 2 September 1891 — A Prince from Scheneetady. [ARTICLE]

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A Prince from Scheneetady.

• Many an 01d Fortcr will'rcmember a little dark skinned, black haired, foreign looking boy playing in Front street and aroimd "2V engine house forty-five or fifty years ago. fie will be recalleu as Johnny Dominis. He was a stranger and the boys took him in. Ihe Btory of the boy was this:

His father was a captain ot ā whaler, who, with hi3 wife and three chiidren, Johnny and his two sisters, lived Front stree.t m the hospitable home of the I\ev. Dr. Andrews Yates. Domii4is cruised in the neighborhood of the Sandwieh Islands. This was missionary ground, and Domiiw was a pious man. Dr. Yates heeaniē mterested ia him and his family s Se-4unng tho long cruises the wife and children remained here. Thetwo sisters, Fanny and Catherine, died of a remarkable complaint, too rapid th- Like lilles they rose rapidly tall,* slender and fragile, drooped and died. . Both lie hear the tomb of Colonel Chirstopher Yates and by the grave of Dr. Andrsw Yates. . The captain took his last voyage. Pirates seized his ship in the South Pacific, and the brave office was made towalk aplank intothe sea. The widow and her children went tothe Sandwich Islands, leaving eopae boxes of household goods in the charge of the family with whom she had lived so long. A prey to dementia and melancholy, she walked every day along the shores of Honolulu, refusing tb believe the death of her husband, and watchinghourly for biB return, A little while ago the faithful wife's vigil ended, and she met him on another shore.

|&6anwbie Jobnny throve apaee. He waawell taught at Miss Kiehie'e schoolj grew to be a man of brain and nsrve and activity, won the confidence o£ King Kalakaua, was made governor of Uiē Island of Oahu» niarried Liliuokalani, the king's gister, and ultimately beeame in reality the ruler of the is* land. King Kalakaua eame to thisi country on a visit in 1881, and Jobnny eame withhim. Johnny was Written to by tho»e 6f Dr. Yates> family who were then in Soheneotady f to oomi and get his two trunks. But he had hjs hands full with the royal traveler, and he wrOte a letter of ihanks, saying that hehadmtended to eome there, but his constantattendence on his Majeaty made it im* posfiible. He did nol say he was hsving a vfQtSQ raeket than he ever had on tbe Dld Fort, but it oould be rend between the lines. He directed the trunks to be opened. They were, but nothiog b«t what had evidently been handsouie furs and laces and other feminine bric» a»brac crumbling inio d\iSt w*s disclog«.Hi.

And[ now the kiiig Johnny's wife is quecn. >lohnpy/ hiin"selfs is piinee coasort. as Prinee Alberf of Kngland was. But Johmiy is realJy king; ljas beeri for fifteen yearfe. Think of a boy eduGat«id at Miss Ritchie*s sdhōol, and under the reflning influencs of the 01d ■Fort, coming to be a king. — Sche-necta-dy Union.