Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 269, 31 ʻAukake 1891 — Foreign Items. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foreign Items.

Ohio has diseovered a rival tothe Manmoth Cave of Kentueky. It is said that Jay Gould is going to freeze out the Union Pacific, and so obtatn control of the line. There were 144,597 more certificates of pensions i9Būed"dnrmg the fiscal- year just elosed thanin the year previous. I It is Baid tbat Timothy,the adopted son of Mark Hopkins, will contest thewiU of by he was disinherited. Both the government's esDeriments in Texas, and Frank Melhourne 7 s in Ohio, seems. to have been succesful in bringing abundant rain Easteru cities have been sufFerin g greatly from the extreme heat, and •tbe death rate in New York from sunstrolce ran as iiigh«as 150 aday. Ge6rge Jones, editor of the New York died August 12 at New York. Hē is best known for ihe war he waged against the Tweed ring.

• Over $100,000 worth of opium has been Reized ii* ««&īm Francisco by the authoritie3 which»was smtiggled by the Chindse onforg«d labeie. A large number of German laborers are now suffering severelyon account of the high prices of foods in th a t country, The govern ment refuses to reduet? the corn duties. Janies Uusse!l Lowell the greal pcet author. sehalar, and diplomat, died at Cauibrige, Mass,, August 12, at the age of seventy-two. His last end was very poaeeful. An exoumon barge roof fbll at Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., August 12, killing sixteen persons and injnring thirty or more. It fell in the imdst of a fearful tliunderstorui. I In \vhcat spoculation in Chicago during ihe week price was forced np to $I.ŪB. The market was the wihlest for vears. Tho cause \vtB si«ipiy sj>ooulaiion, or in other 5n iis worst lorm In P»runswi«k, Germanv, there is war the £urro«r£ and socialist>. Angusl l'*. were. killeii and otiiers wore wourttfed The tlght Wiis ?topped by tho poliee. Tho o the infliirncHi o?»Js>esrt!st women w ith ihe po!itkv the urm«>rs.