Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 269, 31 ʻAukake 1891 — Poor Health of the Emperer. [ARTICLE]
Poor Health of the Emperer.
It is Btated, on wbat- Beeras to be good authority, that the of Ēmperor Wiliiam IL of Germany is in a serious andcritical eon•V . • ? difcion and reports gb so far as to say that a provisional eouneil has been appointed to take eharge of affairs of state shculd anything Berious occur. Should fche Kaieer die,[it istiifficult tosay what results would flow froni it. He certainly has been a strong * ruler. ,It isthosght in some ccrcles that his s death would bring Bismarck again to the front, and the first step he would take would be to oement political allianee with Ruegia. In the meantime, Ruasia and Franee seem to be drtwing together, and no doubt will form some defensive allianee. if not mure, against Ger* manyAustria, and Italy. Germany is yet mistresB of the situation, but her tenure of hold on politics seems to be in ths hand df a man who is about to surrender aH into the power of that inexorable tyrant, death. Political alfairs are very uncertain in thos.e" days; blessed is that man whose citi*enship ia in heav<>n. kingdora is stabk\ and hi,- tenure of ptiwer pas£es not to anothfir.— .. % —: