Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 268, 28 August 1891 — POLITE ATTENTION. [ARTICLE]
The flattering notices whieh are q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qq q q qq q qq q artizan and the business man doee not look for any honest protedt in the eoolie owners sheets, nor any suggeetion of a remedy. lt is nothing to those miserahle apologiee for newspapers that our &!ready meager American popolatioa of five years ago hsB decreased by five hundred. This is to us, and all lovers of progrees, &n indication of social decay and na* tional retmgression. What on eiirtli will the jvai>erB do when the Queen concludes her junketing tour—what will they have to write nl>out ? Ah. vvo bad almost, ior»
gotten that Ka Lēo and ilie poor they will still have with them. We promise to stand by thecoolie owned. Bheets, and play the game to a fimsh.