Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 267, 27 August 1891 — REVIEW. [ARTICLE]
Since our iast review of,the situation went forwar«l to our foreign reader> thoro have be«n no exoiting to <ihronicle. At our last -he Queeiv was absent from the oapi-al -in a, course of tour of this island,- —Oaliu. She had been " xeceived at Waimanalo with a display 01 some taste and considerabJe .-expense, whieh, it is understood, the chief owner of that plantation 4l invited" the contract peons of Asiatic birth to contribute, from the iiittance allowed them under the name 40f wages.-and that the "invitation" to was accepted all round. At Kaneohe and Heeia the Royal junk'3t was almost completely ignored by the native«, other than oinee holders, but among those who •gathered >o see the pageant (?) wae ione'who, in an address to the party asked soine pertinent questions of the Queen as to the object of her junket,—and whether it was inspired by iove for tbe native rfawaiians? Her Majesty's reply, if she made one, to that somewhat searching interrogatory has not been reported to us. The> apathy of the people towards was everywhere roanifeet, yet her Majesty ;found the office-holders of the Island so conveniently distributed along the way as to prevent the Royal party from going absolutely hungry. The officials and • sugar barons between them contributed nearly all the entertainment tp the excarsionists. At Waij|lua, while returning from & planter'g feast after dark. her MaJesty was upset into the bed of a *trsam by unskillful driving of her carriage, and narrowly escaped inJury that might have been serious, if not fatal to her. j The trip was, in many respects, a poor parody upon a Royal pageant. The sorry spectacle of bedraggied| members of the party bnnging up; the rear on foot, across the hot expanse from Kahuku to Waialua, for want of -mounts and carriageB "to keep up with ihe proce6sion, is siardly a feature to excite the enthusiasm of spectators of a Royal progresß." The return to Honolulu occurred -on the afternoon of the 12th of this 2xionth, over the line of the Oahu Railway Co! ' There were an utter laek of enthusiasm and very few people at the depot upon the Royal arrival,—and except the Band, whieh her Majesty brought home with her, no one uttered a not-e of weleome. The custom of presenting giftß, or koolnpu*, to Royalty, •was more honored in the breach •4hen the observance, during the circuit. A feW ducke. chickens, and ©ther elements of a moderate meal, were bundled into a haek and driven ioward the Palaee ae the trophies of ihe tour. ' On the 21st mst., her Majestv Bailed for the one remaining sugar canipof the Kingdom that was et ; " unvisited,-WaiaDae. Having learn«d Bome w|sdom from former expe-1 rience, ah$ entirely 4isdflin lnment of her own people, lm etopped over night at the
K)UBe,i of ia ;|>romi!ient On the 22n$$he returnf.d luward, navigated Pe»rl Uarbor, | £Uai *spent Sunday at the Ewa ' l se;vi" i <yf tbe wife of one of our best paid i oflicia]s, —a Yankee, by the way,— and reached Honoluln on Monday the 24th. ! ' Thus has her Majesty traversed j the entire length and breadth of her Kingdo,iii. She has no reason to eomplain of any laek of attention lrom e:llier the oiliee holders or the missionary s\igar barons. From, her own people.. however, fihe failed to receive the hoinage whieh, wHh Hawaiiana, a fair degree of e6nfiI denee in their sovereign would sureI ly ]iave evoked. No one more sincerely inan Ka Leo. regreta the aieenchanting history of the past few months whieh has resulted in this apathy of the sons and daughters of the soil toward their Queen. We wish, in all sincerity v we could | attribute the cause thereof to her| Maje6ty's advisers alone, and feel that she is blameless,—but such we cannot do. The interval since our last review of events waR sent abroad has been marked by an unmagking of the real position of the ministry concerning political It has been claimed for them by some of their apologists that the ministers represent the National or Popiilai Party, but upon their oiHeial advent thev immediately disproved their title to be so eonsidered, and Jtneir persistent disregard of popuI lar interests and demands has long since dissipated all hope that they could be relied upon to oppose the constant advance of missionary and capitaliatic aggrandizement. But within a week past the National mask has been completely dificarded by the administration, and the so called Premierhas vigorously declared tbat he does not care a tinker's malediction for the National Party,—that that is not his party, that he does not propose to either eubmit or cater to the National Party, —that h« has made a more pr«mising allianee with the enemy than he could hope to obtain fgpm . the nationalB, and hag experienced a cbange of heart, politically, in consideration of a promise from a representative mieaionary sugar baron, that the miasionaries will adopt the present nondescript administration as their own, and wet-nurse that nameless poUtical foundling through the eoiie» o r the next campaign, safe to its little crib in the lee of the Treasury vaults. . What a commentary upon the supposed, (or, rather, suppoBitious) Btatemanship involved in the eonduct of this eovereign government. What b|razen effrontery for a man who oeeupiea the exalted 6tation of leader of a national government to thua announee a M deal" with his late political «pponents, bv the terme of whieh be repudiates his former supporters and their policy holus bolus. What a Bhameless trafßcing in political parties and poficies. Gods ! what a picture for Btatesmen ;what a Bpectacle for Gladetone, Bismarck, Blaine, to gaze upon and admire. Can the ministerial policy peddlar expect anvthing but comtempt from either his mĪBsionary alliea, his late friendH, or the reader«, in foreign parte, of the hiBtory of his perfidy ? |
- ls it nut <kven a p<i]itical mistake fur our so ealleii Preiiiier to rely r for politica! regeneration, apon the l\ealing effe6ts ' of Baldwin'g Socrthing Syrup ? Can the Maui missionary deiiver the goodft that he has sold, taking his pay in advanco? Wo opine not.