Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 266, 26 August 1891 — "DOCTOR" HAMMOND. [ARTICLE]

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Aboi)t two moriths ago a gentleman- named Hammond with the prefix of "Dr." alighted on these shores, whosemission was heralded as that of an Evangelist. We have listened to the broad west of Ireland brogu4 of the u Dt." on Hotel Street, as he urged his audience of three men and a boy, to fiee from the wrath to eome. . . The "Dr." has a penchant fot iX)sing as a converted Roman Catholie and says he studied for the priesthood at Maynooth College Irelaiid. We don't know for the momen,t whether to congratulate the "Dr." or the unversity from whieh he claims to have divorced himself. It is said that the "I)r." ha8 $7,000 worth of land at Palama on whieh to erect houses to rent or sellon time, and that the 4l sack" is still capat>le of raking in lots more. We hope so, as enttrprising uien with shekels are in demand just now, and we don't care : whether they are ex- Romans *or Greek8 frem Connamarra pr<n*idecTthey have less than the average Irish landlord8 thirst for big interest. The "Drs." frequent r'eferences to that " mother of harlots" from whieh he escaped, prompts the suggestion that if indeed nature and his new found graee, h*d designetl him for a Laridlord a hoarder of shekels, he did well to quit May-

nooth where every eleneal Btudeut has to take a vow of povert3 T . ~ By the way, does the of "Doctor" whieh Mr. Hammond mssumes relate to medicine or theology and if so where did he get tlvem*. There is oniy' one sourf?e in his uative land through whieh either coiild be conferred ; the UniversHy of Ireland.