Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 264, 24 ʻAukake 1891 — BARE-FOOTED BILL. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The exploits of this genius, who has for mon ths been keeping the puhlie ahd poliee on the qm were further exercised early 'ōn Sunday mōrnii>g on the premises of Mr. Sach's store on Fort Street, wUere rumor saye gentlem&n Bill, enaptied the sack of ninety doHara At the International HŪl* Bethel Stlreēt ? tliis evenrng» Ihe doings Barefooted Bill will be presented' in a farce whieh will last about fbrty tninutes. New dresses, gcenery, loeal *songs t and a sparkling dialdgae togeiher with good are amottjgthe features of the evening; not forgetting iced lemonade, £tc.\ free. Tickets *t*t Bookst.>res,- IK)c. " Reserved rfeats frtr ladiea &nd their escorts on request fn>m tieketse!lers, no ēxtra eharge.