Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 264, 24 August 1891 — BARE-FOOTED BILL. [ARTICLE]
The exploits of this genius, who has for mon ths been keeping the puhlie ahd poliee on the qm were further exercised early 'ōn Sunday mōrnii>g on the premises of Mr. Sach's store on Fort Street, wUere rumor saye gentlem&n Bill, enaptied the sack of ninety doHara At the International HŪl* Bethel Stlreēt ? tliis evenrng» Ihe doings Barefooted Bill will be presented' in a farce whieh will last about fbrty tninutes. New dresses, gcenery, loeal *songs t and a sparkling dialdgae togeiher with good are amottjgthe features of the evening; not forgetting iced lemonade, £tc.\ free. Tickets *t*t Bookst.>res,- IK)c. " Reserved rfeats frtr ladiea &nd their escorts on request fn>m tieketse!lers, no ēxtra eharge.