Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 264, 24 ʻAukake 1891 — POLITICAL PLATFORMS. [ARTICLE]
In refsrence to the,art:cle in last Sat»rdav's BulUtin under the abōve heading, we wish to e»y that we
,have no* quarrel with thai pa|jer and hav£. no iiic!Hiation t4>, rcise one. If,the Butietin servQS its prōtprietary by such tirades of baider-! dash that contain'ed in its eo-1 lumn and a half of sneer atour contribntion of good eoin and bad English we can't help it. We ck>n y t know of any sober argun>ent that will avail to .preseirt ah enraged man from putting his head against a sto.ne wall if .hē is soi determined, "and aueh an exhibitio.n of ineutal aberration is clearlv i]luytrated when the EuUe'Un invited a eomparison of our with itS/vwti in the follow'ng language: u Allowed to work its desperatc [ and treacherous schemes unehallenged, it is as certain to involye | the party in ruin as that a gangre- | nous limb will kill its possessor if ; not amputated." | At to the "gangrenous limb" the I puhlie know but too well that the ! po!itically palsied joints of the Bidletin with its daily contemporary, are he;ld in position by the resin pitch and plaster of interested stockownerfe and ad vertisers, on which : the we!fare of the puhlie ; never eome in for a thought. Take
the recent fish cannery discusslon in that journal as an illustration. Does not every one in t.his oommunity know that dear fish isthe result of the existence of a human sliark known as the Konohiki ? there ianot a word in all the Bulletin waste oftype to indicate even the existence in onr midst of the carnivorous relic of fendalisiu ! We are sorry for ajoumal that has to trim its saile, and part its hair •so keenly in the naWdle in order to keet> afloat. . The Bulktin will continue on the ,even tenor of itg way learoing hothmg or knowing nothing of the socia) and political ills mto whieh this country ha« drifted. : . , • .