Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 264, 24 ʻAukake 1891 — Varieties. [ARTICLE]
It is pnzzling ta iu«v TPhat thc tins, seized on -the Port Survevor's premiBes; wiil be found to contain after due sf»inpling. I am incltned to believe, that it will be eats aiwi bran and hay. That.vvould inake tbe presence of the tms in a feed i house very plausible. I hear that a great iuimber of the hungries are hunting up their | "inīiuential friendB" (ladies and jgentlemen) to secure the pijl]ing to be if theoMce of Port Surveyor becomes vacant. I guess we will see a long proces- , of carriages containing the 4 infiuentia]s" nioving towards the ministerial> residences. and I will bet, that the ladies will carry the day. But tlie Preniier swears a bald oath. that no man with .Hawaiian blood in his veins shall receive an appointment any nlore, as long as he is "bōss of the little leviathan of State. He never did likē his own raee, and I imagine, that before long, he will learn that hrs race does not like liim. I see that little Dan is on the wr: path in last week's issues of that nondescript, the daily BuUetin. Goodness gracious! I shall with pleasure admit, that he is the most ancient joumalist both here or in creation; but even if he sets his editorials in type himself. he must not be too positive that they are hiā in dependeiit productions. I see that he has hauled down tHe Buiktin f B. old ; motto: " Pledged to no sect or partyand I wili suggest another for him, gratis; Head the eolumh with th'fese words: " Pledged heav,iiy to thg, i4inisterial stockholders o| this'paper, to defend them thtough k thick ānd thin and praise up all their actions and nonactions." ! ; .
, . ■ m-, •• : So tb'e sugar baron"B arH going. W get waahed sugar admitted free of duty- What a jubilee we will nsw have ! -Glory, .giory, glory! The countFy is safie. t t
I hear that a former proprietor "bf the S. F. Wasp, a paper famous for perBon&litieB was frothing theother, day about a little rooster crowing. while perched on Joe's U sh©ulderB. ,, I am astonished that one who onee performed the part of a hymenopterpus sbould fail to appr6ciate tbe effects of his own pectiliar'gift, f
The cares of state have been weighing heavily on the broad shoulders of our learned brotber . ■ ■ ; ■i - i . thcf Attomey-General, so as a hiatter of fact he heeame invisible dōring the l/sst jury of the Supreme Court, cxcept on one or two days when he at the bad, bad Xnbn of Ka Leo. Now the cares of State — pfeparatione for ball«v luaus, etc,,-tr-feave again fallen on SamueFs cui£ypate x *BdA.GL Roes to work agaki. So I judge from Jitt]e Daa!s report of the engine banquet, iu whieh il ia.said, that the con)bined eloqi*ence of ihe ministers was raade up in th« few feheitio«s remarks by the A. G. "to ihe tqAst for the bar." Very appropriate indeed and very spirite<i. Ficaro.