Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 262, 19 ʻAukake 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That tbe leetuse and magie lem entertainment wag qufte& and deserv€fi to be,patroniz<HL We sincerely hope that Mr.Crowley wili give usa lecture on sceneS and life \ in Australia. ,
That the Steat3Qer Angtralia ea nae in early, yesterday morning, with quite a Isst of retnrning islan<iers and tourists, and, possihly with those dananiite she]ls and greek hombs lateTy ordered in San Wranciseo for the Inter-National Rifie Assoeiation by General Wjlcox. That tbe iire-lads of Engine No. 1 got sadly ieft at their little party itbe other evening, while housing [their new engine. Itseems that fehg kl barons" in before the arnd mopped Up everything spiritnoiiB leaving nothing but the empty shells. That the P. C. Advertiser buried a lady one day. and its cor>temporary. the Bulīetin resorreeted her the next day. Ther age of miracles is about to reappear, having already made its appearance in the Bulletin office. That the Inter-National RifleAssociation is like a huge snow ball gathering as it moves along t judging from the swelling numbers of the association. We expect I>his body will one day be like an val anehe, sweēping eveTything before it in its onward course. That the experienco of the royal touristB around Oahu, at Manana t Ewa, shows the apathy of the populaee, when no food could even be obtained for purchaee, and manv of the weak one's of the party, had to delve after the crumbs ih the royal lnneh basket, and the carriages of those who had been forwamed by reading Ka Leo, of meeting such a contingency. " That thē Advertiser finds with Wilson's poliee force and Nowlein's battali(>ns, and ICa Leo as a pointer, that it ha« no more usefor guns and is now advertising an old reyolutionarv shot-gun, whieh has n<> doubt been laying in the editorial sanctum Bin|ee June 30, 1887. The dawn of 41 Peaee and good will" is ujx)n us, we hope.
Th«t the Chinese Secret Societjr here is only an āssoeiationorganized fbr the )>urpose of bnying out the Kingdom an<l all the Sugar • Gorpbrations of the country, with the intention of employing the present plantation owners to work for them. This, we hope, will esplain away the fears some may hawe tbat the three do)lars on all chinese going and comin£ into the Kingdom, is for any bad btisinegs; it is partty to swe the planters from entire ruin through the McKinley bill.