Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 261, 18 ʻAukake 1891 — ONE WHO KNOWS. [ARTICLE]
I was very uiueh amused, when I eame down from Maui, by reading Mr. t>aper of the 15th inst. • . Ū 0-js Mr..Logan's new writer rather startled me. It is not difScult to plaee him. If tbe unfortunate stock holders in the evening sheet want an editorial occassional, they ought to revise and superifttendent the ebuHitions put forward. Professor Totten claims, tbat the millenium will arrive in November 189y. I rather admire him, but I fear that he is mafeing£.a rnistake. Bince the appearance of the BvMe- ( tin editorial I feel justified in believing that the millenium is a great deal naarer. Neitber the kangaroo nor the beaver wrote those two colukmiB iu the evening sheet of the 15th inst \Vho wrote it ? I plank it down to Mr. Mott Smith the gentleman imported by Mr. Sam Damon to be Mr. Parker's Minister of Finance. When Mr. Xrbgan ran for nohle for Maui, he excelled in prouMses to his supporters. Mr. Logan now ūypeurs as the responsible editor of the editorial rot, whieh he had printed in his paper ofthe 15th inst. , - 4 * I wish in my communieation to leave out the naine of Her Majf»ty; But when her friends — God save her from them — deltver the kahuna "r.icket'M think t -that I oJught vo tell you, that Her Majesty never takes afty steps of imporunce.without consulting a fortunet®ller — a wahine haole—- whose words are paramount to her. If the fortuuetelling lady selected the oresent eabinet for Her MajēsU% uiy Jaith and my. one daHor do not find its way in that direction any more. Her address by next mall. Probably Mr, Parker * supported the F<»rnian for{une-teller Bpecially &ttnchtxt to thc executive staff— whon he..was u anaanaing" Mr. he wanted the assifetance of both Ilawniian and foreign witches. —Tho result of :il! this was the traushuioti of tlie Ol'.Uian letter dated in May and published in Mr. Logan & paper for a va!uaVvl»> oo;uid•raiion
Qieask the <f*xVit;eCftn6uī nov presises in the Foreign - OSfiee who* taught him to spell Chili ss Cbile~ ' a«d who translated the intere6ting i )etter froru Mr. Baltcaceda. Mr. J\V aikapu*B relatian must have haēi ; quite a tlme pf it. Btr!r where is the Cabinct ? Measuring ont room for Her Majesty's luau in the palaee yard. The Pre■mierj has been "absent" for about two rnonths, ana now his busy brain is worrving -.over the arrangemerVt for thcelebriition pf the Queet,'s I birthdav. - i . . * •• i j The naciv»is wiil ali be seated in a tent, but the planters and Mr. Parker's friends will be in t.he dining room up-stairs. I shall particulurly watch Messrs. E. C. lane& Co. i ■■■ Mr. Parker's ieland epeeeh has been referred to. ī believe Paul Neumann wrote it for hini. I havegot it down in short haud ānd shail sent you a copy, when we get nearer to the next election. Figaro.