Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 261, 18 ʻAukake 1891 — THE LAND. [ARTICLE]
We notice that the Minister of Interior proposes to sell the lease of many thousand acres of land in Hawaii. This means that rich men will secure this immense tract of land for a long term of years and it will be lost to the people. No man of moderate means can have any chance to buy or lease public lands as long as it is put up in lots as it is at present. It seems certain that this method is pursued on purpose to debar the people from
enjoyment of public lands. In these cases it is usual for a bargain to be made with the Minister of Interior by some corporation or millionaire for a certain piece of land at a certain price, called the upset price. The sale at auction is a mere form. When it is a question of large sums the people are not to be considered. Awhile ago a piece of land comprising 6,000 acres was sold in Hawaii. How many men in this Kingdom could put in a bid at such a sale? If the Minister were a friend of the people or a well meaning and intelligent man he would offer the public lands for sale in forty and eighty acres lots. Then our people might get homesteads and become independent and useful citizens. We need a class of small farmers and diversity of industries; but this natural and desirable development is prevented by the shameless corruption of officials.