Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 260, 17 ʻAukake 1891 — MOUNT TANTALUS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A road is building to Mount Tantalus. It is evideut it is for the b3nefit of a certain Mr. Gent, who owns all the available land in that locality. He obtained it lawfully by purchase f pnying $300 forit. It is worth $20,000. We hear that the Queen refused to sign the royal patent for it. But somebodv went and shw soinebody, and the matter was kept see-sawing till iteventua»ly saw the patent issued. "We wou.ld be pleased to explāin the true inwardness of this transaction, but according to law, and a latf t-h»t has been .nl)olished in everyenlightenedcountrv about fifty vears ago, for the prutection of bad hejiiitations rf we uouhl be liahle to two year- ifiii>risonment ; and as we wouM be the onlv party reponsible in the whole affair, we leave it to the puhlie aeumen to divine the wher 'fore of the see-sawmg business. The purt haser dwelis in this hiih plaee and entertains ujl hie frknd< jovously every day.