Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 259, 14 August 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Tbat tliree tbousand Japanese freed from their contMcts have been added to our city population. many of whom are raechauics, and will 110 doubt use the privilege of exercising their skill, whieh they have under treatv. This. is the beginning of ,that v blessed inilenliium whieh is part of the Fort Stn et Charch Joctrine.

Tbat ICa "Tj:o is t > be congritulated on the accession of new editoriaVt;ile?>t -m its fcolumns, It wtniīd appear that even cate, eapa-' ble only of harmless purring when coniined under the inspiration of a hinyan)'). niay turn man!y lions, when allowed to utter many sentiments in a manly way, in an unfettered and index>endent organ.

That the Eulleiin quadruped truo to its jamping cbaracteristies has j u mped from wishing the Queen when Princess, aiiathema, in an issue a few days after the revolution of 1887, to a leaping toad in favor of royalty y u»der the onee dispised lady. A }sous avoa ehange tout eela.

Tbat an is writing the English l *rubbish," published in that "scurrll!oas sheet" the Leo, and that several other "ex-editors" would be onlv too glad to be allowed to join in the same ; 'dirtv work." Come along boys, all writers of good wiH are weieome to climb the hill of free opinions in the only free newspapeT of tkis town.

Thfit thfi Q(ieen, when erossing a streatn near AVaialua, was cāpsized from her wagonette j ust as neat and as vulgarlv as if she had been the humblest of her subjects. Her equerry and eoaehman ought to pav more attēntion to the safety of her Majesty, otherwise an opportunity may be given those republican spirits that seeai to be a source of disquiet to the deputy Marshal, a ehanee to jumx> the executive mansiou.

That Mr. D. M. Crowley will give a lecture entertainment, with sixty niagic lanteru views, of "A walk through London, n in the International Hall on Bethel Street, Monday evening next As a general lecturer there are none superior to Mr. C. in this commuuHv. We hope the lecture will be well patronized, as we feel assurēd that it will Be both instructive i«nd entertaining. ' That it is a bad omen for royalty to fall to the ground, and worse when thegroundis wat«r; of <x>ursc Hawaiian ean generally get np a uioek funeral to ward off any seriuUs result frooi it, whieh is done bythe burial of & certain kind of banana tree as an effigy of the person taie is involved ; the tree dressed in purple. with a scarlet sash or maro, aecortling to sex. i>omething like this* was performed. for the benefit of an ex-minister, with the Califi>rnia casket of his late Majesty Kalakaua, with the delectable speotacle of a nude kahuu;\ le.iviing the e3Fteg*\ This lalter wouhl not be it» tho ease of Uie &n*«rfignef the*presem stirp. they are royal priesVs bv inheriianee k> the >īaua order of Prie^thood.