Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 259, 14 ʻAukake 1891 — WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? [ARTICLE]
Tlie readers of the foreign press of this city, who are disposed to carp at this journal as a nniaanee, will do well to consider :orae of the results of our late articles. We r«sumed the publication of Engtish i articles on Mondav of this week.! On Tuesday, the old hen of the| Advertmr, that bad been dozing on ; the roost for Heaven knows how 1 • i long, awoke in screams of indignant! terror at our return to the Saxon field. But, more w T onderful sti)l, that alleged newspaper, the Eulleiin, two days later awoke from a aleep of months, (if not of centuries), and actually committed the expensive indiscretion of indulging iu nearly a eolumn of (unfortunatoly) original matter, aimed partially at our discomfiture, and partially at the self-glorification of the Had it not been for the pen-thrust under the fifth rib, whieh we gave 1 that sheet, it might not have given j even that tardy, though feeble evi- j dence, of lingering vitality. By the way, the B%uleiin elaime " to reflect the public sentiment" of this community. Heavens! jvhat a nauseating streamof sentiment it must be that waters tbis paradise of the Paeine, if in fact it be no greater in vo?uoaethan is u reflected" in the three daily u sttckB-fuir of original matter, in the Bnllelin. Look at this page, neighbor, on any day of its publication, and you'll see nwre original Tnatter 'than you , give your readefe in a week. Ta ta.