Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 256, 11 ʻAukake 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


; That ihe refoim remnant }ia& , scored a victory an ofiS<iisl pet m nigh standing, by the i mation ot* the dounter acts of a sub- | ordinate made againsi his snii>erlor. I The evident himh has heen quietlv | settled in favor of dppntips. L * '.: Ltiie J MarsbārB nominees fo; on Hawaii Have ht«m sno«?ecl .under, and that the Sheriff of that i»liin4on leaving<for quietly intjmated that he was noi īn offlce -to aet n« some fo&l. Tftat an unueual activit3r ir pereoptihle in the Barracks anel grounds, rio dotibt, tbe ?esalt of ar itein in our yestērday's issue. Tht wh«elg of gun carriages, are l>eer weU greaeed, so tfcwt impedinient niay occur to a hasty retreat if necessitv sho«ld requir« it, whei: the forees are out on active u;it v. That Hawaii re - ceivea endorsēii>ent among tiK Hui«aes in the Paciftc Si ape Statee; that Kalakaua"s late vimt supplio»€!nted by Hon. E. W. Wilc«w, ha> been instfumental in stiidiiUtīng th:s sentiment among the free ptoole H merica. the most advanced governmont under the s«n. That amieipating d*»feiat tbe handful of refbrmers. have heen eha*lowing royalty, both openlv and covertly, in urder t® p*event a defeat of future scheDies of aggrandisemmU ' —— . t • ." fhat the royal progreerthroughout llie <xKintry haa proved a rr»iserable failure. and that her M«jestr is veiy nmeh dif*gusUKl at tht unappniciative att:tude of her people. That Sheriff Hileheoek hef«)re tctv»pniiTg to Hllo, left his eoniphments with the Pfesldent of the Board %f HealUi. statiug at tht same tiuie that he was still Sherifl of Hawaii, notwithstandins the be lief whieh ihe President haei to tht eontrary. one of tlis p)anks iu future Silittcal platformB he in wot of the election oi men 6©es by nnivereai eutfrage, THi£ » the natur»l wa>\ an£ H n % frneraUy the worW ovcri evwi $ith tb* ohictf aCaeountrv. j That gi>ods arti beine sold eheaiL» jat than ocvst> at aud j FishelV. The goods are I oheap that we symputhise with tbc i s«stiers at the loaa su£tftined.