Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 256, 11 August 1891 — Hawaiians for Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiians for Hawaii.

I "Handicr&ir' e(]ited by the re- j : vt;rcnd parson uf Kamehameha i school- preaches from the above 1 'text, and the rel)giously confcroledj : newspappi\ and society, give their ) |apDroval oi'the sentiment beeause j i the ser\non mafees no eiaim ibr the j ; rights of Hawaiian for perfermcnt { jin their own country whieh are! j row ignored. Bui when some pat-! riotic Hawaiian raises the plea of ["Hawaii" for ihe Hawaiiane there is an imme<liate howl of indignation raised by the aforesaidi jjre&s and society. Surely iiiia iē . a eiiatinction without .-»■ difierence. ! J The cranky o!d woman of thej j and the combined| !genias of the beavcr and the kan- ; garoo of the ~B ulletm" have in re- | eent issues heeonie £rreatly excited, jbecause forsooth, ii young and per--1 haps too impetuou9. Hawaiian pat-1 , riot has been credited with express-! jing a hope of-"Haw£rfi for the Ha:waiians." The Kangaroo in the i *B»netin" of July 25 says. "tbe cry i i of ' Hawaii for the Hawaiiar;s ' i;s| :used i>y a lew polilieian?, is the ; ruo»t damaging cry for tfae Hawa* iiam? wliieh ean be rAieed. It 1» a ,cry d->?ignml lo dbturb that good \ undemamliiī£ bet ween natives an<l ī®r?ignerB, iS*£hout whieh ggod »nd ; R*tis?fectory eeiiM not = be maintaincd.. ? ' B»>iw»*)n the lint*9 of this pI«R wo | mig!)t read: " W<s foreigners in 1887 : riskeu our neoka in a greHt i wrested the rcigns'of gQv«*rnment and thc emoiuinents of its tat ofiioes fro!n you llauaii;ins, und api)ro--pri.ited aJ! '-hiesfings 'to ourdelves. Our battle cry was ' Hawaii ijr the i*»ix'iuuers/ and now, since we ?jxtrfu thc b.ead of your Kin_ r ii is rea! mean of you to raise

cry h«tnf% f*§ait}y nr)tl fefy, mih! trv to deprir« ihs. »»f our ctofortabl« ba3lete. We eame h«pe from ireifn Chhu«lh, i'ro»ii AuBtral i» a nd from o[tl Eftglanf}; wht*re we were*un(succ«eiul un«l we t&uch enjoy th« lucratiTe bii!ets wbk:h ai*e given-to >is 'm prefenm«e to you. I>ry squM <»r fii?h and pr>i, sait hoi*se nnd hard tsck is good enougb 10f you, let u* havo the piums, Ihe' loaves ?nd i>esh ; Nuw if you try !u hriny up yo»r iamilies t«v our sa;yie )e.ve! arid pretend to elaim anv right» untlt?r thiB governraent'■■, ■* It vT?o»ld be ihe most pote*it for creating..diMtf«ction. among f>mgners.' v Hawaii for foreigners ' is onr crv ! Hurrah .!! and the Qtjeen v n«i her i Cabinet are with us, hurrah !" A!as, |too true! Poor soos 01 Hawaii, | there is no for you in y<>mj native land ! Yowng Hawaiign6 [ with family are remorselessly | chucked out of office to gratify thie | personat spites ot v unprmcipled l white scoundrels, atui the Cabinet | deny thein justice. Young Hawaii&ns edi2to|kted in oUr home eollegeS, find Ui«t their lingetl blood is thgfi* btie nbis and they uiust gp;to a &tfeign land to seek bread and bfitter and perhaps fjrtune. Nearly every »teamer that leuves our port now. CArries away sotne bright | young Hawaiian wbo seeks under } the hoad stars and Btripes of Am* j ericā the ehanee for an honest |career denied him m his own najtive land. Under the pres«cit re« |gißiemany have eone, and manv [ wili have to lollow £rora 3beer ne* cessity, while every departn>eßt of tbe gwv€a?niuenti« tilled *yi|h alien iAmericdiis and Eng!ishmeti, [ of whoaa hat« jaot j of allep;iance to Hawaii and others i have no fumi}y ties lierc. Are we (Hawaiians then to be blaine<i for |entertaining a litt!e bitter feeiing agāinst the present as well as the j t\vo previous a<ljninistrations for 1 ignorir.g all clauns of Hawaiiana for pref irment. TheJirst appoint- , raent ot Premier Parker to an olhee | v,'as iiii ex-Anierican vice-Consul, a !gentlemen of high respeetability and abi!itv, but what claim had he to prefernient to such a high oliiee, while there were young Haw&iians in the.countrY. of sufiicietit ability for tbe pp«t> | The appoinUnen t of the Post | Master General was open to quesj tion, tiiought it was tondoned with the belief that he being by ties and adoption a Hawaiian \vould rectify the gross wrongs couimiited by his 'cantankerous predecessor; but be [has disap|X)iuted his friends, and the son of the Br;tiah Cociaul and other unnatio?)alizeii u)iensfU)**£ish on the fat otlices whieh by &U political and iuoral rightd belong to Hawaiitiis. The sa»n« remaxks will also apply to iha Custom House. Other appointiuentB &lso of the prep%nt govemment arfe of fbrj eigners weil known to behoetile to I th« Hawaiiaii Tace. .! H*waiians will au»wer theae in- ? su4ts at |»H8 uext Fel»uafy. | What is Ihero so grievous to |foreigner īn the piaintive plea of p'Hawaii ibr the Hawaiians ?*' H*s i not a siniilar crv heen r«iised in | Amer:caa cities of "Ainerica tbr t Anlerioans ,, when the alien Trish : oapture<l :nunjcipal government aud j thrēatened tooverwiielm rvnudliean jpri?iciples. i x ouid any Hawaiian jgo tvi Vashingtoi> or I,ondon. t > jC*nada cr Australia, *nd elnim the right to preterment fbr high oftice t

Would thfy not he a 1 owl of 3ndignatior» fr6n» tbe kwnl paHtieutnK • Tbe sons df nre |o-dbiy ** !>» ihe <nf {/! the poimtH9 r 8 n&£ii«4 an«J f®lHr eoen»etent -U» -1311 ail tbe a? hono in oar goveKiasfjife m/>re patnoiiaa? !oy»lty ;iad fid€iht ihar now. obtains. Ān*3 it :s Uecausc * «>ur-.HHWAiian■■v«niK" sonB mt<\' brf Aherp nre an<l havQ lieen i°w>m frv Vhe OroW» anel the th«t thft c.ry of 'Haw;Hi for Wnwu J or • , Hawaiī«ns for has Vief?n raieed and wiii oontivjnjt tobe nne of cir nolitie;i! elo^an* 4 : " ■ ami the alien aQrifefelers of mv svcophantic press will .not be «l»]f to crnsh it.