Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 256, 11 August 1891 — Congratulations. [ARTICLE]

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! We tender «nr felicitation6 tb our J fnend Wundeni>erg, who, ilie ōtherj jtepers inf<>rm us, hae secuml the appointment of depoty clerkr Of the Sapreme Coiirt, to 3ucoeed..Mx. A. W. Carter, who will leave soon to ! study law at Kome Am*rican iristi-, tution. 4i Th«y aav ,? thit Fred| obtaiued the sya.pathy and support | of the C. J. in this iQ&tter, tbrough j the latter's having considered the • former a martyr to tlie partisan i spleen of the administration, hut th«re ; s a vague snsp!cion abnwd| that the secret of the C.. supi¥)rt I day in the fja«ltiee« privatfe iift"nnd mohil» of the apnlicant,—and the! C. J., bemg hims«lf a purist i»nd an adv.>cate of in tb«t respect.; ki o»vs how: to appreoiate a oleanl hiii of health. t « Bv the h'&v, what htts heeom* <\i; tlie so ardent)y uuurcs.i furth hy iheO. J. in the past. of al devotion to Uieiritepe«ts and offici&]! advanrement of young Hnwniium??; h i«? now rr?caltetl that, there'hav«'* two »piK»~mtments t > e:erkships t*4 the Supreme (\>urt. uithin ! a f< \v n)onth« past. nnd no Hawaiiaji has £gured e*th»'r of them.! ilow is this? Can U? jo-;4l)!e that tlio C J proīvf<> o ari*more v

for tian his j;; suffered s 1«,) 9» ol nfeme*ry j i i» ihai i*efs&»d? ' < i -—«• ,l How «Nie thing up aiv j other," reni»rked ilse p«etic Stobl)s, " Veß,—an emeiie,. fyr instauce." i rei>lied' the pr«ieticiil Dobbs ; not Wnndofib€rg'B »ppcviDt> n>ent ib to l>e consi4ci , ecl in fciie ligbt of, or «s a ?u!jstitute for, SW erjnetio. j Far from it. But it ;inēraly calift to |Mr Alexander Kobertßor» ie %bout |to vacale .the~ t>flics of c!erk to Ihe ■ • liegistrar of Public Accounts, ai«l | is going east to studfy law. So far»; no eompUinl. ft«t \t is likewiue ■ reported that his §accesaor is to be t —whoi» do ynu sup|)ose? k * Why!" you *iii ansvver, ,4 somr c6inpetent Hawaiian, no doubt* who haS a -fa<nily to support, Rnd t»xes to pay." ixo to! thou political imbe-|cile,-—when did the |»n«entgovem- : ment give cause for sach a f;uess, jor lay it«elf open to such an impuJ tation of devotion, or even justice, : to Hawaiia» interegts ? I ! Not mueli! the $uccessful app}i-i ean.l if said t$ be .«3ere )ad, jn&l tk free<l from his studies tutehity, — a brigbt little,'lad frotn — |in the person of .v*on of Auditor j j (leneial Hoss. Tbe latter please «bserve is now ceri7ented in hie fjcial seat for life v at <\ salary ©f five thousand a year. To his Exj - ' oeJlency the Finance Minister, or_ I oth er |>erson responsib3e tor this ! appoinment, if made or proo)i9ed, jwe wotild quote these words froi» Shakespeare Poor fo6l. ihou make'st thy testament as w«fldlings do, —giving_ thv compUmēnt [of mo#e, to that, th€f which already | h id too mueh.' j