Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 255, 10 August 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
, That Coionel V. V. Ashford has gone-to Hilo to that shipment of inoproved rifles and danamite breach loading gunt, whieh the poliee department suspects Hon Wilcox to bave ōrdered ia» ,San Francisco while there, and to brought tO'the isiands in the steamship .ItataassGon as the U. S. embargo is taken off of thst ; vessel. The Deputy Marshal, whose suspicions was onee before aroused witli reports cf an uprising by Messrs. Bush, Wilcox and Hunstman t should take time and aga?n have all the gune and ammuniti6ns ready;in the Prison, Barraeks and the Pohee Station. . That a move to form a new eahinet combination is being quietly naanipulat'id, to consist of Messrs. Parker, CnmTiiins. Smith and llartwell. From a planter and capital« ist,s standpoint, the q'jartette as ministers woald be the proper thing. That whenever this is accoi«plished the country will then be in the hands of a grand comh:jercial and sugar trust re»dy to swoop uo every thing and every body. Thrft the two lesser lights, Charles and Austin. of the present Cabinet will be left afloat on promises 6f straw in the sea of uncertnintv» in the vagne and sweet mahope. when the new reconstruction becomes an accomplished fact,
That poliliea in the refbrm eamp is siiuply a gaine of "we" first and )ast, i. e„ a grab all. That the financial ac«men of the cabinet in making np the deficit to the inoome of the government is by disposing larse tracts of land to land grabbers for and eoeraive ©urposes.