Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 253, 6 August 1891 — A POPULAR RECEPTION. [ARTICLE]

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P*opte Imng in Waialaiialh | s»d-.- ' itfe vieini%y L&. % '#41 t!re ? - aod oth©r peom*>tf>i<4b&t and a dozai} or t#PO : who 'wem a*sraeied v>tii«*e % tlb JB"oBpecte «f a fre& ltm*igr«3 /-a goed &me g£ti&ralfy. lair SamjHe of the pop u lar recept!ons. . wbieli has been tendēml byth.e £biwaii&BB durĪßg tbe royaf%rog*e£s, saiaries W€?e sufeers itt eōns®<jaefiee of po»ulftt imi&9 fer lagus and otte- demonsirations toatlmcttbo dear people togetber. Never ia the historv of rojal p?o--greiis€s ia Hawaii has tbere heen SQ«b ai* aitempt to b4iii4» i»to'the hssfief " prosrem has fee£» a» Not ewa the sootbing and dalcet 6tmQS '<rf Band, has had any effeet to draw npwan - tbe kindly feeiingsr or te ilßeit a detnonstration in favor of royaltj beyond a febrpg. of tbe shouMer or a grunt of dissatisraQtioii • from th« peAple.