Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 250, 3 ʻAukake 1891 — WHAT ARE THE MINISTERS DOING TO EARN THEIR SALARIES? [ARTICLE]
This a qttPstiou th?\t many reople «reaBkii)g, and oouoanswers l»j»ck tl>e ]ast wonl— u snln^eg/ , It nnybody oani give us a better «nswer ihan oeho-, we wiii xvillingly (Hibligh it for nothing and present the autbor wiih Promier Parker's epeeenee bon nd in Waimea sheep. Hotreyer. tho preperal puhlie know that thc Ministors are qnite promptin dratoing their salaries. tbe sun ra*r*t goes down at th& eiul of th« month with this in»porta«t Uiinieteriai fum?tion leftn*giected» in ftict thi* psrt of the puhlie work i» the i»M>st siK:oessfo!iy pertbruied of anv of the puhne woi k>, by our present ( k abinet, thni was authorized by the Ugt Legi?hture. The exert;ou requirtMl. hvnvt'ver. ;n drawing v >ii: tbe dri(U nn)mr<'ntjy that ineutul pto?trativn innuedifiteiy^'iiovvs v jnui the jv«or victiunMlo ~nv»t .ro*.wqr «tr*njrthnor oour suili<"iī-iU- lo mi'i'e ! hun A i ne\v oi d!a« ;hc.ir *nU-
■■ _ 1 y — ries wben j»ay da? roHs arc>iin»l again. With thc f;ict quite dpp«rent that tbe country is suft>ring and will continUe to suffer and retrogress t unless some ef!brt is rnade to eheek or relieve it, it seems to be the verv h«ight of crimina] negligence, or laek of abilitv on tne part ot" her Majēsty's Cabinet that no effort h made to relieve the countrv and avert future distrepß. Busioess i» falling off in all brai ches, the main industry of tbe c©untry has reeeived a severe eheek.wuieh wi?V result Sn a rednction of mānv milliv v ns fo tīie ineonae. of the countrv, yet we do not see ar hear of any thing being initiated here or in our relations with other countries that may afford us relief. On the contrary we bave an admihistration whose aitn and a»ibition appears to be te atterid to royalty and endeavor to ealm snd assuage the distrust whieh the populaee have in tbe present governmental powers that rlile. lnstead of the "Primier being here with his colleagues to study out the duties of the hour. to plan and to develop souiething that will benefit the country, we find his ExcelHiicv perambutating the islands for the purpose of making httle speechrs to the Hawaiiane in paHiaticn of their inexcusable dcrelicticn of <luty, and to wean the /rottj a grov, ing feeling in favor cf annexation. So faras is known. we find that our MinisterTin-chief is being iiml for a glih tongue, to tag around with the Qiif?en, thus placing himsc?lf in the not vcrv envisblc pr>sition with a lot of attendauts ai»d fliinkies. makijig caich-speeches to his countrymen in favor of her Mojesty and in palliation of the anH-Hawaiian and non-progress;ve attitude of her government. N(nv, we subniit, that if therc is any necessity for such work to be done in | the iuterest of her Majestv ? s roral i progress, that some cheaper oHieial | may be emploved. who couid more i gracefully and successfully cv»njpeie in prasirg second-rate Pehool teach- ■ ers, and who could talk witb grts&ter effect than the preaiier, who is more widely known as it thīnker Ihan an or»tor.
If then a substitute ean beo})tainthat of the government 1« ador lbr stunQping the countTy in laYor of wnning royalty and Bgninst • ding demoeraey and tf»ndenciee, it vould he wise and for the henefit of «11 to mako tho ehange, and allow the gent!eman at thc head of the ndhu&tration to attend to the more important iintieg reqnired of hhn at th.t lime. To ho cootinued.