Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 246, 28 July 1891 — HAWAII FOR HAWAIIANS. [ARTICLE]
This phrase t whieh has doubtless been put into the mouth x of Robert \V r . \\'ilcox by a S. F. ExaJ»iner reporter, is very valuable to our two daily papers because of the element of arabiguity on whieh it floats. According to the Hulletin, th* S. F. Examiner report of an in* terview wilh Mr. Cleghorn was bogus; but there is no such saving elauee for \Vilcox. Now it is above all thingB improbable that Wilcox who never used sueh a phrase here, would eoin it for San Franciscō; but itt affords our two dailies an opDor« tunity to please their eoolie bwning patrons by descanting and moralising on things as they arei and chanting the praises of cooli& o** T ~ ing government; but the apooxyphal character of the text on whieh these hypocrites hatig their homiiies is in the case of Wilcox, carefully concealed. First the Advertiser uses it up. and the Bulletin turn it round and rasps at it again. How full of goocl advice those two disinterested monitors are to the Hawaiian ! Bless : em !! With whatpaternal solicitude do thev not blink their cornmercial eyes to the fact, that the 21,000 Hawaiians and halfcaste males are bei ng close pressed in ' ip'dnstry on every side, and in addition, their 19,000 Tfernales are, by an inexorable law, being demoralised anrl debased and the whole race thereby being wiped out of existence, by the advancing anny, of 30XK)0 wifeless Asiatics!
Those who know Robert W, Wi!- | cox are awaro, that while he loves his countrv and feels as a man | shoukl for his race, he is thoroughily cosrwopolitan in his !and synipathies.- Appareot!y, the natiye Hawaiian aiul the Hawaiian by residence and riaturalization wiih }ūb chiUlren, must look on with folded urtns wliile a tew foreign exploiters, with the help of a few anonyinous hireling scribee, make the laws wnieh give them cofnmaud of the sourceB of wealth, and pennii their coolies to scoop it up. thc t'ree bone and 6iuew and brain of Hawaiian and VTestern cnvlliz,ation, will j?fand by with folded Rrms while tbe country ip being fartjier lkd 4i up w!th thc Bcuxn'of Aāia, is a whiea admit of but one answ€T There is a point at whieh indiflVrence gjves plaee to and pationce CBascs to be. a vinue, ani ftt such apoinl "H*foui for H&waliarrs*' mav b» inscrjbed on iim banner of civiiizaiwm, as a watehword full of hooest Fatriotwm.